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It's a greed that eats,

No, swallows you up and

Shits you out, but you go back

For more.

Money- it can solve your problems

But the only way to feel good about it

Is if you spend some of it on other people.

Then, it wasn't yours anyway.

You are paying for guiltless days.

This gluttony also shows itself when one

Is presented with food.

I take and take,

Eat and eat,

Watch myself expand, promise

To myself I'll change, tell myself over

And over, is this what you really want?

But why do I want to be selfless when

Greed and indulgence

Is the norm?

When everyone expects you to be stingy and also to take the

Extra cake, what happens when suddenly I'm the only one

Taking the extra cake? I do not know where the line is-

Or worse, I do know and I just choose to

Overstep it for a small sense of power.

But I must remember what I really want.

That's not greed; that's necessity.

You can't buy love- but money sure as fuck helps.

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