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I am lonely and hopelessly
In love and it's getting
So tiresome I cannot talk
Accurately just do the deed
And take something from
Me I am too happy for
What I deserve. Kindness
Is false and shouldn't win
You anything, I'm just
On the edge of tragedy.

Instead think of happy moments:
When the love of your life chose to sit next to you
When you sat in his arms, head touching
When every lesson was made better because he made you laugh
When you sent letters to each other
When maybe he talked about you
When he admitted he like you
When you sat with your dress up at your waist, drunk, but next to him,
When he offered to walk you home.

And maybe I'm in love with lots of people
All at once
But what I feel is not important,
It's just nice to be able to think about you.

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