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Quick light-foot steps on
Bathroom tiles. The earl-grey,
Sleepy sky is
All that is of note, during
The mundane Monday mornings

Don't think you are special,
As the breakfast is made.
This is just another day
To lose all you have made.

Throw the breakfast away.

Printed floral wallpaper;
I stare at it for years
Wasting my life away.
Lying down to rest my head,
Praying my mind may rest too.

Still, I cannot stand the sound
Of tedious music or silence
I despair the gnawing hate
Of boredom and routine.
So I am getting a paintbrush,
A pot of paint and
Painting it green.

Cruelty has a human face
And mine is human still
But the time it takes to
Create and make a world
Where love is true
Is worth it, for you.

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