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I like him too,

I like who he is,

He is accepting of others

Even though he's hypocritical 

When he says 
"I expect the same respect in return". 

'I'll agree to disagree', he's saying- but then everyone 

Is entitled to his own opinion. 

He is self-conscious, acts

Insecure- and although 

I accepted his use of the word 'shit',

'Fucking' was harder to swallow. 

It's so violent, so ugly. 

I don't know why. 

Am I blocked 

From getting with other guys?

Or [indistinguishable handwriting] ...

...Waiting for you

So tired falling 

Asleep as I write 

Writing with my eyes 

Closed. I thought 

About Jack 

All the time.

I will never 

Forget him. 

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