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The demon flew away.  Officer Rick finally reached Hank's hospital room.   "Excuse, me Mrs. Scotong, are you and your son alright?" he asked out of breath   "As a matter a fact we are, Officer Rick, Hank is out of his coma.  He's sleeping right now, but this time he wakes back up.  God heard my prayers." she said with a smile.   "Mrs. Scotong, did you or did you not see that creature standing on the balcony?' he asked again but this time looking out of the window.  When he spotted the demon far, far away.  

"Look!  Come over here!" he said as he points to the small object in the sky far away.   Mrs. Scotong saw the demon then said, "Officer Rick are you telling me you are afraid of an Eagle?" she said with a smile  "Lady are you crazy, that's not a damn eagle!   You know damn well what it is, acting like you don't know!" yelled the officer who was very much irritated.   Mrs. Scotong knew he was saying the truth, but whatever that creature was, it save her son, and that's all that matter to her.  "Officer Rick you have been finding dead boys here and there.  It's obvious that some kind of animals is out there.  Maybe a bear or a cougar.  But eagles do not kill people.  Go home, get some rest, hoping the two will go back to normal." said she as she patted him on back.  

This pisses him off and he quickly moved her hand off of him.  "Lady you're not fooling anyone." he said as he headed back to the police station, mutter, "This shit is all so wrong!  Fuck this town I'm going home to play video games.  If someone else dies, not my problem, no one tells me anything anyway." he said as he heads home to do just that.

Mrs. Scotong smile then whispered, "Thank you, whoever and whatever you are." as she glances at her son.   The demon flew away then disappear into the clouds.

A week went by,  Hank was released from the hospital.  The teenager was in perfect health.  As they stepped out into the parking lot, Mrs. Hanger appears from out of the blue.  "I see your son is in perfect health.  I very happy to see him leaving the hospital." said whispered  "I so happy to." said Mrs. Scotong.  "Hello, Hank that is your name?" she asked  "I happy to see you're doing well.  You are important, to the world, never forget that.  I must go now." she said   Then a young boy about even ran out of the candy store.   "Grandmom, I bought my candy," he said as he ran to her.  "Hank, this is Demon," she said as she interduces them.  "Hello, Hank.  You look well." he said  "I feel great, thank you.  Do I know you from somewhere?" asked Hank with a smile  

"Maybe, maybe not.  Grandmom, Let's go," said Demon as he tugged on her dress.   "Well I must go now, take care." said the old lady as she grabbed Demon's hand and turn to walk away.  "Mrs. Hanger?" said Hank's mother stopping her.  "Yes," she replied but not looking back.  "I don't know why, but I must say thank you for saving my son," she said with a big smile.  "Me, I didn't do anything, but you're welcome anyway," said Mrs. Hanger as she continued walking.

Mrs. Scotong helps Hank into the car. When she was about to drive away, she figures she'll say thank you one more time.  When she looked around in the direction that Mrs. Hanger and Demon went, they were nowhere in sight.  "That's weird, where did they go? Oh, well, thank you," she said as she headed home, where her husband was waiting, with a welcome home party for Hank.

Now Officer Rick stepped out to the store.  As he drove down the mine road, that shadow that only he saw appeared again.  He looked up, "Hell no, I'm not chasing you anymore.  Besides I'm off duty.  He said as he continued on his way when something hit the top of his car.  Officer Rick quickly stopped the car and stepped out.  There on top of the hood was a large bag of candy, with a note that said sorry.    Rick looked up, smiled and said, "It's all good, you lucky I didn't catch you." then he checked the bag.  "Hit, how did he know what I was going to the store for?  Good looking out," said Officer Rick as he headed back home. Hank life went back to normal, but this time he had a best friend name, James.

Mrs. Hanger and Demon have never been seen again.

The End

Maria Pagan

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