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The demon began to fly up to the basketball court and reached for James.  James didn't understand what was going on, but the demon now had two faces, one his and one Freddie's this scared James.  "Come on boy, time to take me to Larry's, boy!" said Freddie   "Who the hell are you?  Your not the demon." said James  "What the hell you care, you little snitch.  I hope you get run over by a car for being such a snitch!" yelled Freddie  "I'm not a snitch!  Who the hell are you!"  he asked again shaking on the spot.   

"Come on boy, you know who I am," said Freddie as he took off his hat to give, James a better look.  "No, you are ugly I give you that, but never heard of you.  "What do you mean?  Everyone knows Freddie, " he said as he walked towards   James was scare, and demon began to laugh at Freddie  "What hell you find so funny? said Freddie's side.   "You don't know, do you?  If James is not afraid of you,  you'll soon become weak.  Freddie buddy you better hope that you are Larry worst nightmare, cause it ain't, our deal is off." explained the demon   "What you talking about, we made a deal." said Freddie said    They finally reach Larry house.   He was on the porch smoking a blunt.  The weed was good so he thought when he noticed something flying his way.  "Fuck no!  A fucken dragon, he yelled as he got up to run and tripped.  He quickly stood up and ran inside the house.

Now up in the air, "No! Freddie's the man! No!"  Freddie screamed as the transformation to a dragon was too strong for him to overpower.  The demon becomes larger and stronger, all you see is Freddie's hat falling down through the wind.    "Shit Ya, I'm glad he's gone." said the dragon as he flies by a swimming pool and drops James as he flew over.   "I'm going to die!" screamed James as he went down full speed and land with a splash burn on his chest.  He quickly came to safety.  Too tired to run away, he lay there catching his breath.

The dragon flew to Larry's window and began tearing down the roof.  When Larry noticed the dragon's big eyes on him, he tried to run.  He figured he'll jump out the back window to safety when he was finally about to touch the ground, the dragon opened his mouth under him, and in one swallow, Larry was gone.   The dragon began to fly to the pool where he dropped off James, as he was coming down to land next to James, he began to transform and his landing wasn't so pleasant.   He landed face first on the ground.   James happens to see him, and he couldn't help but laugh.   The demon was back to his normal self, but in a lot of pain for he banged his body up in the fall.

"You remember what I told you a way back?" said the demon as he got his posture back.  "No!" whispered James, for he did remember.  "Don't piss me off and I might let you live.  You laugh at me again and you're dead!" yelled the demon who was a little tired.

"Sorry about that.  Hey where's did Freddie go?'" he asked as he stood up waiting to see what the demon was going to do next.   "That bastard is gone.  Freddie is gone!  Men, I hate that dude." said the demon as he gripped James again.   "Now, James, what was the other boy's name again?" the demon said as he flew into the air.

Now Officer Rick was following the trail of bodies.  He kept trying his best to catch up without any success.  So he did what he did best, call for backup, and comfort the boys family.  He really didn't know what to tell them.  How do you tell a parent that I saw a demon take your son away? he thought so the best thing to say was, we're working on it, knowing that there was really nothing he was able to do.

Hank was still in a comma.  Every now and then, his eyes will move.  But that was all he did.  Her parents stood by his side.  Hoping for a miracle that will bring their son back.  Hank's mother had hope.   She stepped out for a minute, to get a bite to eat.  There was a little diner next to the hospital.  

Mrs. Scotong brought herself a BLT sandwich with a cup of coffee.  Somehow what she saw in her son's room, didn't leave her mind.  She didn't know why, but she knew her son will be wake up soon.  She enjoyed her sandwiched when an old Mexican Lady approached her, "Excuse me, will it be too much for you to buy me a cup of coffee?"  said Mrs. Hangler the Mexican Old lady  

Mrs. Scotong glance at her.  The lady smelled, but somehow she didn't care, she was happy to help her.  "Sure, sweetie, here, sit down.  Is that all you want?  If you like, you may order some food if you like." Mrs. Scotong suggested.  "Are you sure?  I will like that I'm very hungry," she said as she sat next to her.  Then somehow the lady bad smell began to smell like flowers.  Everyone in the diner kept looking at the lady, wondering what had just happened that her bad smell was smelling so pleasant.

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