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The demon flew down to a large tree that was near Frank's home.  "You stay here, I'll be right back.  If you try to run, remember, you dead." said the demon as he flew to Franks house.  When he touches the ground in front of the house, his body began to grow and transform.   James was up in the tree watching the demon transform.  "Holy shit!  No one will ever believe me if I tell them," he mutters to himself

Frank was inside his house.  He was in the kitchen, glue a model car together.  Suddenly he saw a red beam of light, moving around on the wall.  He follows where the beam was coming from, "Oh, my God!' he said as he falls back out his chair.   Then the beam of light shot out electricity that made a large hole in the wall missing  Frank.  The Predator didn't like that he missed.  He quickly shot more missiles.  Frank again saw it coming and jumped right out of the second-floor window.   He landed on the lawn, twisting his ankle.  He quickly stood up and began to run.   The Predator threw his weapon and began chasing Frank.    "Come back here!" he screamed as he trailed Frank      

Frank kept looking around, "That damn Predator, what the fuck, I'm dreaming or what? Freaken Predator.  Creepy as alien, shit, that thing is going to kill me." he thought as he continues to leap away.

The Predator disappeared which was scaring the shit out of Frank,  then he began to think about other monsters, "Shit fucking Predator is trying to kill me, all I need now is fucken, Jack the Ripper and come and ripped me apart.  Shit, I must wake up!" Frank whispered as he kept running.    Then he noticed that the Predator's creepy cries stopped.  "Shit, I think he's gone.  But I don't remember waking up.  He is gone, that's all that matters." said Frank as he sat done to rest his aching ankle.   He saw a tree stub and there he sat.  Looking around wondering if the Predator will come back.  His heart was still beating out of control.  Then out of nowhere, someone grabbed him by the back of the neck.  

 Frank struggled to get away and fell to the ground.  As he looks up, he sees this man in a cape and with a large ax in his hand, running towards him.  Frank crawl as he tries to stand up and run when suddenly the demon turns to himself.  "Holy shit!  What the hell are you?  Please, someone, help me!  Please, some!  Help! " he screamed as loud as possible, but no one came to his aid.   "Oh, how great is this, you fear demon more than anything.   I guess I can keep my word to James after all." said the demon as he lifted Frank with his power into the air.  While the demon was transforming, his wings began to get larger and horns appear on his head, as his claws and teeth also grow.  Then Frank's body split into five pieces, that remained still floating in the air.   The demon grabbed one of Frank's detached leg, and in seconds ate it.  Then the rest of Frank's body fell to the ground.

All the while James was watching in fear.  "This thing I've been helping is going to kill me.  I pretty sure he isn't going to let me live.  I must find a way to get away from him." he thought to himself as he looks for a way down from the free. 

Then when he was done, he began to walk towards James.  James began to panic trying to climb down the tree.   Then he saw, the demon becoming himself again and James stood watching waiting for what was about to happen next.  

The demon looked up at James, and with his mind, he brought him down out of the tree.  James landed right in front of him.  James looked up the demon, "Are you going to eat me now? " he asked with his head down.   "I'm good, I was not going to keep my promises, but you kept out of my way, and that was a good thing.  I really enjoyed when you weren't afraid of the dick head Freddie, you made him weak, I thank you for that." explained the demon  "So, you're going to let me go?" he asked with a smile.   "Yes, but listen to me, you go visit Hank and you became his friend.  If you bully any other kids, you'll be the first one to die.  Got it! Oh, one more thing" said the demon as he grabbed James by the head and with the palm of his hand erase his memory.   "Sorry kid, but you can't be walking around telling others that we exist." said the demon   He placed him down, "Be a good kid, and stay alive." said the demon as he began to fly away.

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