Searching for Martyrdom

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During the battle of Yamamah the first one to leave the battleground was Abu Aqeel (one of the Ansar). An arrow that hit him between his shoulder and his heart injured him. He was then carried to the camp. When the battle was turning against the Muslims he heard Ma’an bin Adi calling the Ansar to charge the enemy. Abdullah bin Umar said: Abu Aqeel stood up, so I asked him “What do you want to do?” He replied: “They are calling my name,” I said: “They are not calling upon the injured!” He replied: “They are calling upon the Ansar and I am one of them and I will respond to the call even if I have to crawl.” He then put on his sword and went into the battlefield and fought until his left arm was cut off from the shoulder. I said: “Abu Aqeel.” He responded with a weak tongue: “Yes, who won?” I said: “Rejoice, the enemy of Allah was killed.” He raised his finger upwards and praised Allah, and then he died. I told my father Umar about that. He said: “May Allah have mercy on him. He persisted in search of martyrdom until he got it.”
al Waqidi.

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