A Boy Giving Dawah

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Every Friday afternoon, after the Jummah prayers, the Imam and his eleven-year-old son would go out to their town and hand out 'Path to Paradise' Islamic lecture booklets.

This particular and fortunate Friday afternoon the time came for the Imam to go to the streets with the booklets.

It was very cold outside and it was raining. The boy bundled up his warmest and driest clothes and said:
Ok, dad! I am ready!

The Imam very confused asked his son:
Ready for what?

The boy replied:
Its time to go out and distribute these Islamic booklets!

The Imam answered:
Son, its very cold outside and its raining.

The boy gives his dad a suprised look and said:
But dad, arent people still going to Hell even though its raining?

Imam answered:
Son, I am not going out in this weather.

The boy than asked:
Dad, can I go please?

His father hesitated for a while and said:
Ok, son you can go. Here are the booklets.

The boy then said:
Thanks, dad

And with that he went to every door, handing the booklets while soaking. After two hours of soaking wet he came to his very last booklet.

He looked for someone to hand the booklet, but nobody was there so he went to the first house he saw and rang the bell. But nobody answered. He waited but still there was no response, finally he turned to leave but something stopped him and again he turned to the door and knocked on it loudly and waited.

He rang the bell again and this time the door opened and standing in the doorway was a very sad looking elderly lady.

She softly asked:
What can I do for you son?

The boy said:
Ma'am I am sorry to disturb you but I just wanted to tell you that Allah really loves you and cares for you and I came here to give you the very last booklet which will tell about God and the real purpose of creation.

With that he gave her the booklet and turned to leave, the elderly lady said:
Thankyou son, and may God bless you.

Next week on Friday afternoon after Jummah prayer the Imam gives the Imam gives the lecture and concludes the lecture.

The Imam asked:
Does anybody have any question or want to say anything?

Slowly in the back row amongst the ladies an elderly voice was heard in the speaker:
No one in this gathering know me. Ive never been here, you see before last Friday I was not a Muslim and thought I could be. My husband died a few years leaving me alone in the world. Last Friday I was contemptating suicide, I had no hope left. So I took a rope and a chair, I fastened the rope securely to a rafter on the roof then stood up on the chair with the other end of the rope around my neck. I was about to leap off, I was so lonely... When suddenly the loud ringing of the doorbell stopped me. I thought "I'll wait a minute and whoever it is will go away." I waited and waited but the ringing seemed to get louder and the person ringing also started knocking loudly. I thought to myself "who on Earth could this be?" I loosened the rope around my neck and opened the door. I couldnt believe my eyes for there on the front porch was the most angelic little boy. He exclaimed. "Ma'am, I just came to tell you that Allah really loves you and cares for you." Then he gave me the booklet which I hold in my hand. As the boy dissapeared into the rain, I closed the door and read solely every word in the booklet. I took the chair and the rope. I woudnt need them any more. And since the address of your congreration was there, I came here to say, thankyou little angel.

There was not a dry eye in the mosque. The shouts of takbir (Allah Akbar) rented in the air. Imam descended from the pulpit to the front row where the boy was seated.

He took his son in his arms and sobbed uncontrollably. Probably
no one has ever seen a father that was more filled with love and respect for his son...!

This heart-touching story brought tears to my eyes...hope you like it...:)

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