Show Me Some Respect

Start from the beginning

There he was!

But... why?

Zelena squeezed Regina's hand and that snapped her out of her thoughts. "Say something..." Zelena whispered.

"Sorry, I'm late!" Regina breathed without taking her eyes always from him. Then he raised his glance and blue eyes locked with brown. A handsome, dimple smile played with his lips.

"Good morning everyone!" Zelena said excitedly again. "This is the new manager... Ms. Mills!" Everyone applauded and welcomed her. "Regina, they are the members of company's counsel!"


During the meeting, Regina and Robin barely look anyone else but each other. They didn't smile, or talk or something else... they were just looking each other! They had those silly faces who was trying to understand what was happening.

Now Regina was in her office. Zelena show her some things and now she was alone. She couldn't focus to her job, because the only thing in her mind was him and those annoyingly amazing eyes of his. His adorable, dimple smile and that body which she wanted to explore inch by inch!

Knock knock

That sound snapped her out of her thoughts.

She shifted her looking and she saw him through the glass which separated her office and the rest of the floor. He was standing behind the glass door, looking at her.

Help me God. He thought. She's gorgeous! Plus she's my boss! Congratulations, Robin! You're dead! He thought again before Regina tell him to come in and go into her office. He headed to her office and stood in front of it.

"What do you want?" she said without looking at him.

"I was about to ask you the same question!" he replied.

"Are you kidding me?" now she stood up and, oh, she was so angry.

"No! You know what I mean!" he shouted.

"I am your new boss! Nice to meet you!" she said sarcastically.

"Ha ha! Very funny!" he let out a fake smile. "Regina..."

"It's Ms. Mills to you! Show me some respect!" she bite back.

"What?!" he shouted again.

"You heard me!" she shouted too.

"Ms. Mills..." he pronounced that with sarcasm. "We have to forget what happened to that graveyard... this is so unprofessional..."

"Nothing happened! Besides I saw you with that girl after the ceremony, so I thought that what happened before that was totally fake..." she raised an eyebrow.

"What girl?" Robin asked.

"What girl?! That girl who hugged you and kissed your cheek? Remember? Because I remember it quite well..." she shouted.

"Wh- what are you talking about?" he yelled. "Are you jealous?" he smirked playfully.

"Me? Jealous? Are you out of your mind? God! You are flattering yourself, Mr. Locksley!" she gave him a playful look.

"Oh my god! You're so jealous!" he gave her that dimple, smile again.

"Fuck you, Robin!" she screamed.

"Okay!" he chuckled.

She rolled her eyes and pointed the door to him. "Leave!" she screamed.

"With pleasure!" he screamed back and left the room slamming the door behind him.

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