Chapter 17: Tragedy

Start from the beginning

"I'll show him!"

As Zeref was busy laughing like an idiot I was busy noticing my surroundings.

"Wait a second..we're near the mountains now..."

An idea soon clicked inside my head "I know something Zeref wouldn't be good at"

The mysterious man of the mountain supposedly lives up at the highest peak of the mountain.

"I'll go climb the mountain to prove if such a man exists"

I slowly backed away from my laughing brother once I was out of his  sight I turned and ran as fast as my little legs could take me.

"Let me see it should be around here somewhere" I said to myself looking around.

I continued walking ignoring the faint calls of my name being called by Zeref.

"I'll prove I'm better than you Zeref just watch me"

I come across a riggity old bridge that lead to the other side.

"I can cross this bridge no sweat" I said, gripping the bridge railing which happened to be a rope.

I took one small step and started slowly across the bridge.

"I can do this...I can do this just don't look d---Gah!" I screamed as my foot went through the wooden plank.

I cried out in pain as the broken wooden pieces pierced my leg.

"Let go!" I groaned in pain trying to pull my leg out.

"N-No, it's s-stuck!"

Suddenly, a huge wind blew by causing the bridge to sway.

"Why does this always happen to me?!" I whined still trying to break free.

The wind blew harder, causing the bridge to sway more.

"ZEREF HELP!" I screamed at the top of my lungs.

A loud snap grabs my attention as I notice the rope starting to break.

"No, please, I don't want to die!"


"NATSU!" The voice of my brother yelled.

"Zeref thank goodness... I'm safe" I sighed in relief seeing my brother.

"Natsu what in the world are you doing up there?!"

"Spare me the scolding and just get me down Zeref!"

"Oh, right coming!"

The rope snaps again causing the bridge to lean over.

"Hurry Zeref I'm scared!"

"Hang on Natsu!"

Suddenly, the rope broke again. I don't remember much after that, except the faint call of my name.

Then, all went black...

Next, thing I remember was waking up to a bright light shining down my face.

"Hey, what's with the light?" I groaned in protest.



"Huh?" I turned to see my mom and dad with tear stained faces.



"Why are y--NATSU!"  Mom screamed, throwing her arms around me.

"M-Mom, why are y--THANK GOD!" Dad screamed throwing his arms around me as well.

"Thank goodness we didn't lose you too" They whispered.

"What do you mean?" I asked, confused by the situation.

My parents just continued to sob as they held me close.

"Will somebody please answer my----" I paused, noticing one person was missing.



"Where's Zeref?"

The tightening of my parents grip said it all.

"Natsu, I'm so sorry...but Zeref...
"Is Dead"

Chapter 17 end

Sad, isn't it?

I'm so sorry for being so low with these story updates. I really, really am.

Just know even though I'm slow at the moment with updates I won't just stop cold turkey and leave you all with cliffhangers for years. I assure you that much.

So I'm going to stop blabbering for now, please let me know what you thought of this long chapter.

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Tomorrow is my birthday, so I'm blessed if the Lord allows me to see another year cause tomorrow isn't always promised.

That's why people should stop moping around, worrying what others think or say about you.

Live your life to the fullest potential! Do you! Embrace who you are and who you want to be.

Blessings to you all.

Until, next story update

Lucy out!

Here's some moments from the movie Dragon Cry before I go. They're spoilers, so watch them if you dare 😆

Trials Of love(Sequel To The Teacher& the Student)On Hold/slow updatesWhere stories live. Discover now