Trying To Chill - Chapter 20

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"jade" Grey shouts as he slams the front door shut after him

"I need to go, everything will be sorted, talk soon" I hang up not waiting for a response from him. I place the phone on the bed side unit and lay back down, the door creeks open slowly and lets the light from the hall way flood into the dark room "how was the rest of dinner" I ask him quietly

"Carter and Lana left before pudding, saying they needed so sort bits out. Which was strange as Carter never leaves pudding, the others started to act strange after that but Other than that it was good, your dad surprised me" I hear him rustle around his side of the bed

"how so?"

"he offered to pay for us to go on holiday, you feel any better" he moves across the room

"I'm not sure if I am" I answer the last part avoiding the first bit

"do you want me to get you anything to eat" I feel the bed dip as he come to sit beside me

"no, I don't want anything to eat, I'm not hungry" I inform him, he lays down beside me. He sighs like he's frustrated

"what did the letter really say"

"that the inheritance is there for an emergency and I would know when I need it" I admit to him, he takes a deep breath in and lets it out slowly, I wish I could see the expression on his face, he's gone silent

"and do you need it" he questions after a while

"no" I say adamantly "but when I do I will let you know"

"good" he shifts in the bed pulling me into him


We are all gathered in Greys living room, Harry and jax playing racing games on the Xbox, Lana and Carter talking between each other and Ryan is on the phone having a private conversation. I need air, fresh air. I feel like I'm getting suffocated by all of them constantly watching me, my every move like I'm about to break. I grab my phone of the coffee table and go to the back yard.

I sit down under the tree just in sight of the window but closer to the garden gate. I look through my phone at the contacts, my finger hovers over Levi's name, should I ring him, I'm worried as Thursday is tomorrow. Everyone knows that's the day but no one is talking about it, I tap his name and bring the phone up to my ear it rings a couple of time

"hello" he sounds tired

"it's me" I tell him quietly "everyone is here apart from Grey, he went to see his mother, to see if she wanted anything, I offered to go with him but he told me no. everyone is getting on my tits. Their scared, no one is talking to me, it's like I'm there but I'm not, Levi what am I meant to do?" I let the tears flow down my face, I'm so emotional

"hi Levi, how are you, I'm good how are you jade, not so good" he fills in, I chuckle

"sorry, I just needed someone to talk to, I guess"

"it's alright, how are things" he asks generally concerned

"you heard my life story" I joke "I don't really know" I sigh "ever wondered what your life would be like if you'd never meet Grey or me" I whisper the last part

"not as thrilling as it would be now" he chuckles

"I'm being serious" I snap

"Jade life would have been the same for me, you know my dad brought me up to be in this business, if it wasn't you and Grey it would have been some other people" he pauses and I just stay silent "however I think I would have had to search for my little sister"

"what do you mean" I look up at the sky the dark clouds rolling in, Great a storm

"I mean you, you're that annoying little person you can't get rid of but love them anyway" he chuckles at his own joke that I didn't find funny

"you're so sweet" I coo at him "you always seem to know how to make my day better" I smile the clouds now over head

"glad I can do that because you've got to put up with me forever" he evil laughs

"seriously, why you in such a good mood" I chuckle along

"I met someone, you'll love her" he rushes out in excitement

"Ohhh" all the amusement gone from my voice

"don't worry, she's not from hear, she lives by your grandparent's beach house" he informs me, getting the slight mood swing

"when" back to the smile

"at the theme park when we were there, we've been talking ever since and she's even been here" he must really like her, he talks about her with fondness

"and why didn't we meet her" I scold like I'm his mother

"what are you, my mother" he jokes back "because I wasn't sure about her but now I am" I smile glad that he can have happiness, I feel a water speck on my arm and then my face, I look up and a drop smacks me square on the nose, I stand up about to head in

"it's raining, and I'm outside, so I'm going, thank you for the chat" the rain picks up a little

"speak soon" with that he hangs up.

I step out from under the tree looking up again, the heavens just open drench me, the rain thunders down and I'm just standing here, I spin round taking in the moment, I look at the house and into the living room window, they all sit unaware that I'm out here by myself but I don't care.

I just spin and keep spinning taking in everything I laugh feeling happier after a chat with Levi, I stop spinning and face the back door. A smile across his face, he's happy truly happy, he's dressed in a black jacket over his white t-shirt and dark jeans. He looks ready to eat

"what's got you in a good mood" he chuckles

"nothing, come join me" I wave at him, he slowly steps down into the rain. He looks up then the smile I didn't think could get any bigger did, he offers out his hand to me, I step closer. He grabs my hand pulls me into him spinning us around. He places me back on the floor and rests his head-on mine, he's eyes boring into mine

"I love you Grey" I whisper. He smashes his lips into mine, the electricity surges through me, I'm so captivated by him. Bringing my hands to the back of his head, I tug a little at his black hair, he groans into my lips, I smile loving the fact that I have that effect over him, we move apart

"do you two know how to get a room" Jax snaps from behind us

"this is my house, now if you don't mind can someone tell me why, jade is outside by herself" the moment gone, my smile falls, I turn to see everyone standing in the door way, I look at Lana who has this sorrow look in her eyes

"I'm guessing for some fresh air" the sarcasm dripping from Harrys voice

"Grey, it was just the yard chill" Carter tells him

"if it was Lana would you be saying that" he snaps agitated, which gets the guys into a fight over whether I should be out here. I only wanted some fresh air, to clear my head, not to feel suffocated any more

"I'm a big girl, I can look after myself" I shout out

"no, you can't" Grey growls at me, everyone takes a sharp breath in realising he has just said the wrong thing to me

"if you think that then I'm leaving" I snap storming past him, pushing past the group. I make my point even move by slamming his front door shut as I leave

I walk across the field with my ear phones in my ear listening to music not really paying attention to my surrounding. Hoping the music will block out the storm that has arrived. I just want to be by the pond, it comes into view as I get closer to it, just a little further and you can relax. I take a seat at the bench. Looking out at the water. Why is everyone so against me. Something smacks against my mouth. I look down to see a hand and a cloth the world going hazy.

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