Theres a first for everything - Chapter 3

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It's pissing it down with rain, I'm really cold and here I am, on Greys door step trying to get him to answer the door before the thunder storm starts. I bang on his door really hard one more time before I give up. "Okay, I'm coming" thank heavens for that I praise winning the battle, I would have had to kick the door down and he wouldn't be happy with that, in actual fact he probably would have a bitch fit. The door opens a little, I push it open and let myself in "it's one in the morning Jay, some of us have work tomorrow" I don't answer, heading straight for the settee.

I watch him enter his living room with a glass of water, I study him carefully, his hair is a complete mess from sleeping, it gives him more of an edge, I like it better this way, I move my eyes down to see he's wearing nothing on his top half showing of a six pack, why are these men God damn hot, I let my eyes wonder a little further to see he is actually wearing something on his bottom half which isn't his usual dark jeans. "Stop checking me out" I hear the amusement in his voice, I snap my eyes up to his all of a sudden the amusement has vanished instead sadness replaces it "you've been crying" he states his tone soft while sitting down beside me.

"No I haven't" I whisper in fear that I'll slip up and start again, I lay my head down on his legs gently trying not to hurt him, looking out into the room, he stiffens up but still places his hand on my waist. I wish we could stay like this for ever my thoughts elude me. "Do you want to talk about" he whispers gently into the room. I shake my head a little just enough for him to feel. "Okay" he replies sounding dejected. I don't know how long we stayed in this position. Eventually my eyes slowly close, I feel him shift from beneath me. I couldn't care at this point too tired to fight, my eyes close completely.

Someone's tickling me, well my nose to be exact, I reach my arm out to push them away. My eyes still firmly shut not wanting to get up. who in their right mind is trying to wake me. I'm dropping back off when the slight tickle sensation starts again. I rub my noes to lose the feeling, I can hear a deep chuckle. I open one eye to see who it is. This isn't my room, where am I, the panic starts to set in and I sit up quickly, the memories flood back from the night before and I relax a little.

"What's the rush sleeping beauty" I groan at harry, whose clearly been here awhile from his statement

"Who else is here" I ask groggy wiping my face.

"Just us, Grey asked me to come and not the others, I don't know why" he rambles on, I've stop paying attention, instead I'm looking at the highly decorated room, it's mainly blacks and greys. There are no pictures anywhere, and there is hardly anything in this room anything personal anyways

"Are you listening to me" I snap my head back to Harry

"Yes" I lie

"Enlighten me" I don't say anything "see you wasn't listening, I was saying did you want to chill and watch dvds all day or do something, it is spring break"

"Can we just eat junk and stay in?"

"Of course Princess" he smirks

"Please don't call me that" I ask a little strained, the pain is still raw, Harrys blues eyes give the impression he wants to ask questions but he doesn't, instead he gets up of the coffee table and heads for the kitchen. I listen to him bang around looking for food and stuff.

I stand up and walk towards the window. I pull back one of the black curtains to have a look outside, it's still raining heavy like last night but the storm has passed which means it's not going to thunder, it always rains when there's problems, I hear a beep from the coffee table. I whip my head round to see my phone flashing. I wondered if I should look at the message but my heart is telling me not to. My phone pings again with another message, and now I'm staring daggers at it. I don't want to answer. Harrys still in the kitchen, it wouldn't hurt to just give it a look, I shake my head, I'm not going to put myself through that again.

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