the adventure - chapter 12

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we are half way to the falls walking through the wood, it's sodding freezing out here, why did I insist to everyone on wearing as little as possible and why on earth did I insist on bring them at this time in the morning, oh that's right because I want them to experience something amazing, we could still be warm in bed. Sleeping. It was a stupid idea; I could murder myself for this. I look around to see they are all glaring at me

"Jade, I'm going to kill you" harry shouts at me annoyed

"it's refreshing" carter shouts back at him

"only you would think that" Jax snaps, I should have left them at home

"I like the morning air, is that such a crime" Carter shout at them. This is going to take a while if they carry on

"yes!" the all shout at him,

"maybe we should have left them at home" Lana says quietly to me as she comes to walk beside me, I nod at her in agreement, great minds think alike

"how much further" Ryan shouts from the back

"we've got another fifteen minutes' walk" Lana snaps, fed up with their whining, they all groan

"I'm defiantly going to kill you" Harry shouts charging at me, I stop waiting for the impact but it never comes, I look to find Ryan holding him back

"come on you lot, she's got good reasons" Grey finally pipes up after we've been out here for half hour

"good reason my arse" Levi mutters, my temper is rising "I'll believe it when I see it" he carries on muttering

"that's it, go home" I shout turning round to face them all "I don't care anymore" they all look at me in shock, why is it every time I shout it surprises them, haven't they ever seen a women shout before, "how hard is it for you all to accept someone is doing something nice for you" I carry on shouting at them annoyed. I look round at all of them waiting for a response "are you going to leave? because me and Lana would like to get there" I wait but they don't say anything or move "good, now can you lot shut up we will get there quicker" I turn around storming off, they better keep up.

They stay silent the rest of the way, it's a good thing because I don't know if I could hold on to my temper much longer. I push through some leaves and stand on top of the cliff and smile. The excitement reaching me. Its lighter out here now

"thank god she's stopped" I hear harry

"wow" they all chorus

"see told you it would be worth it" Lana says with excitement

"that's not even the best bit" I pipe up

"so what is" Levi asks curious

"when the time comes we are going to jump" I say pointing down to the pool bellow us

"hell no" Jax snaps

"come on, it will be fun" I nudge him, excited I strip down

"you're crazy" Ryan says, I look round to see Lana and me are the only ones undressed

"come on, chop, chop, you'll miss it otherwise" Lana tells them, they look around, they are all sceptical. Greys the first one to undress. The others follow suit. There only complying because they don't want to get shouted at by him.

I stand at the edge looking out waiting for the perfect time. They all chatter between one another waiting for the signal

"you do know what you're doing" Grey startles me

"of course" I grin at him; it's not like I've done this a million times before

"good because I don't want to die, just yet"

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