the nightmare - chapter 14

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I'm sitting on a wooden chair in complete darkness, I can't see anything in front of me, I can't move, my hands and feet have been tied up, I struggle to see if I can get them lose but they don't. I'm alone, I hate being alone. I call out but my voice echoes around me, I'm hundred percent alone. It's cold in here, like the wind blowing.

I hear people whispering, there too far away to hear, I look around but the room is so dark that I can't see anything, the whispering gets louder, I know those voices, I know them well, there laughing, do they find it funny that I'm trap and can't move, why are they laughing, I try to scream out but no sounds come out, what the hell is going on.

The voices are mocking me, screaming, telling me I will never be good enough not for them and not for him, I'm confused, I thought we were friends. I can't see them, I just want them to come out and tell me what is happening but nothing. Their voices stop as quickly as they came. It's quiet again. I pull at the rope, it tightens, it's hurting me.

Light's flicker on, Grey is standing far back that I can barely see him, I see Grey walking towards me, he looks sad, like he is about to lose everything, sorry even, like he doesn't even want to be here, like he is being forced to look at me, I try to call to him but my voice doesn't come out of my mouth, the tears build. I need help and I need it quick, Grey stops five feet from me, he's saying sorry over and over again, I don't understand, why isn't he helping me?

I can hear the others again, they are behind me, taunting me, telling Grey that I'm never going to be his, that he can't have me, that I belong to someone, I shake my head but their voices just get louder and louder with every shake, why are they doing this, all of a sudden someone grabs my head, watch what happens they sneer into my ear, its Levi, I knew he didn't like me but why is he doing this?

Ricky walks up beside Grey. Move I try to scream but nothing comes out, he can't hear me, why can't I talk, I need to warn him, Ricky looks my way he smiles this wicked grin, he whispers something in Grey's ear, he's face pales, everyone is laughing. All I can do is watch. Ricky sneaks he's hand into his jacket, he pulls out a knife.

No, no, no, he can't do this, he can't just kill him, he needs to fight back, Ricky puts his left hand on Grey shoulder, he show's Grey the knife, this is why he looked sorry, He's going to let him kill him, why is Ricky doing this? is this because I refused to help him gain control.

He plunges the knife right into Greys chest, the tears flow down my face but I can't look away, Levi is stopping me, Ricky twist the knife, the pain he's in, let me help him, let me save him, please, I try to beg but no one can hear me, Grey falls to the floor, the blood pooling round him, why aren't his friends helping him?

This can't be happening, why isn't anyone doing anything to stop him, they raise their voice, shouting, you did this, you killed him, you could have stayed away but you didn't, this is your fault, they keep shouting these sentences over and over again, please just stop, let me save him. I want to cry but I can't, the tears won't fall anymore,

Ricky turns to me, knife in hand, blood dripping to the floor, Grey's blood. He's now smirking at me, he's gloating, taunting me, that he killed Grey and there wasn't anything I could do. He slowly walks away from him, with each step he's getting closer to me, his smirk goes to a smile then from a smile to a frown, why is he frowning.

He stops in front of me, he leans down so he's face to face with me, why is he doing this? why can't he just stop? Ricky you're such a moron, I hope you can hear me because I'm going to kill you, he laughs, so he can hear me, he's just choosing to ignore me, the pressure from Levi's hands is gone, I can move it.

Ricky stands back up, I watch him closely, he's studying me but why. He moves, I flinch, he laughs, he's got me where he wants me, I look at the Knife, Ricky starts to play with the Knife, swinging it around, He puts he's left hand on my shoulder and pokes with the knife just enough to penetrate the skin, I take a deep breath, trying not to show the fear

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