Roses on the Doorstep! (:

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Roses on the Doorstep (:


It was weird, but kind of sweet so I crouched down to pick them up before retreating into the house and making sure the doors were all locked. Not seeing anyone there had made the hairs on my neck raise and I wasn't willing to take any risks when I was home alone. I carried them into the kitchen before opening the note. I immediately gasped and dropped them both onto the counter, backing up as if they were some poisonous snake.

I almost ran to grab the phone, quickly dialing in the number for my boyfriend. I had to redial a couple of times since my shaking hands couldn't press the right numbers or create a symbiotic relationship to use my mind to dial for me. I waited a little impatiently for Jurian to pick up, drumming my fingers on the counter lightly.

"Hello?" he answered finally.

"Jurian... come home... please..." I whimpered, glancing at the dropped rose and paper on the counter.

"Teag? What's the matter?" he asked even as I heard him moving around.

"Someone's... watching me..." I almost whispered, terrified to say it aloud. "Th-they... left a note... on the doorstep..."

"A note? What kind of note? What did it say, baby?" he asked and I heard the rattled of keys on the other end. I took a shuddering breath as my eyes locked onto the paper and wouldn't move from it.

"Written... in blood..." I whispered. "S-said... that my lover... wasn't doing me right... leaving me alone so much..."

"I'm coming home, baby. Just stay calm. I'm on my way. Do you want me to keep on the line with you?" he asked as the noise of the outside world began to filter through the phone.

"N-no... just... Hurry, please?" I whispered. "I'm scared..."

"I'm hurrying," he assured me as he opened his car door and closed it again. "I'll be right there, Teag," he said before hanging up. I ended the call on my end, hugging the phone to my chest as I wandered the house and made sure the doors and windows were all locked and the curtains were drawn. I didn't like how much darker it made the house, but I didn't want someone watching me either. I nearly jumped out of my skin when the front door opened.

"Teager? Baby, it's me, Jurian," he called even as the door closed and locked behind him.

"Juri..." I whimpered almost bolting down the stairs from the upstairs hallway. I almost flung myself at him, infinitely relieved that he was there. He caught me and held me tight to himself.

"Shh, it's alright, baby. I'm here," he said, brushing his fingers through my hair gently. I pressed my face into his chest, just absorbing the comforting aura he provided. Slowly, I let myself relax again though I was still upset about it. Being watched was creepy and all the hairs on the back of my neck were tingling. He rubbed my back gently and kissed the top of my head.

"It's alright," he assured me yet again. "You're safe here with me." I nodded, sniffling a little as I turned my eyes up to him.

"I know..." I murmured. "I know you'll keep me safe... It was just... terrifying..." He nodded some in understanding.

"Show me this letter," he said, pushing my hair back from my face. I nodded a little and turned towards the kitchen. I walked in enough to see the paper and rose on the counter and stopped, pointing to them.

"I... dropped it there..." I said softly. He kissed my forehead and moved over to pick up the note and rose. He frowned down at it as he read the note over. He took a moment before he put them down and came back over to me.

"Do you want me to call the cops? Or maybe some of our friends?" he asked. I nodded slightly, even though I was afraid no one could do anything about it.

"Please... You have to work tomorrow and so do I..." I said softly. "And you know... how I am when I work..." He gave me a reassuring smile and reached over to pick up the phone.

"Our friends or the police?" he asked.

"Police first..." I said softly. "The guy... could be normal..." We and our friends weren't normal by any means. We were gifted with special powers that let us do things most humans could only see in comic books or movies. He nodded and called the police, asking them to send over a few officers. Since we weren't under immediate threat, it would probably take them a few hours to arrive. Once he hung up the phone, he wrapped his arms around me again.

"There. Come on. Let's sit down so you can relax..." I nodded and led him back into the living room where the television was still on the music channel I had been watching earlier. I sat down, pulling my blanket back up over my almost bare legs. He sat down behind me and wrapped his arms around me.

"You gonna be alright, baby?" he asked, kissing my neck gently.

"Yeah... You're here now..." I replied as I leaned back into him and closed my eyes. Jurian wasn't the strongest guy I knew, but he wasn't incapable of protecting me and I trusted him to keep me safe. Well, as safe as he could anyhow. He smiled and kissed my cheek.

"Don't worry, baby. I won't let anything happen to you," he assured me and tightened his hold on my waist for a moment. I reached up, looping my arm around his neck before turning my head so I could see him.

"I know..." I said. "That's why I called you..."

"Mmm just wanted to make sure," he murmured before closing the distance between us and giving me a nice slow kiss. I returned the kiss, sliding my fingers through his hair slowly. If anyone could make me forget the bad things, Jurian could. But then, that was why I was with him. He'd been the one who'd approached me when I entered the school for gifted people like myself and had comforted me through my parents cutting ties with me. Having a freak for a son just wasn't what they had wanted.

He slowly deepened the kiss to explore the inside of my mouth. I let my tongue slide against his, tangling my fingers in his hair as I shifted into an easier position. I did have to pull back after several minutes though because if we kept going, I wouldn't be decent to talk to the police when they got here. I moved so that I could curl up in his lap, resting my head against his shoulder as the tv started giving news on various music artists. He smiled some and continued to hold me close as he made himself behave.

"You hungry or thirsty at all, baby?" he asked, rubbing my side in a small circle.

"It... is about dinner time..." I said softly, though I made no move to get off his lap. "I vote... Chinese take-out so I don't have to move though..."

"Alright," he agreed, reaching into his pocket for his cellphone so that he wouldn't have to get up. "Your usual, I take it?" he asked, already dialing in the numbers. I nodded, drawing random patterns on his chest.

"With an extra eggroll please," I murmured. The extra eggroll was so that I could have it with my leftovers tomorrow for lunch. Chinese just wasn't the same without an eggroll. He nodded in agreement and quickly ordered our dinner before hanging up.

"I bet the Chinese beats the cops here by twenty minutes," he said with a bit of a smile. He pocketed the phone and wrapped his arm back around my waist.

"The police are always slow..." I murmured. "I bet Mercy would have been here in five minutes if I'd have let you call her." He chuckled some.

"Probably. But you were right. Normal methods first then we call out the big guns," he said, rubbing my side again. "No need to go bothering Mercy over little things."

"We... should probably call her anyhow after they leave," I murmured. "She'll be right pissed if we keep something like this to ourselves..." Mercy Canberra was like an over protective big sister to me. She'd been there for me and even Jurian on occasion while we were all in school together.

"Mm, yeah, I'll call her tonight before we go to bed," he assured me. "Last thing we need is her going off her rocker because we aren't giving her updates or something," he added with a chuckle. I nodded and pulled away to get the remote to hand to him.

"Find something better to watch..." I murmured and curled up against him. "I'm not in the mood for music anymore."

"Then what are you in the mood to watch? Anything but music?" he asked as he began flipping through the channels for me. He didn't watch much tv so asking him to find something on was a real struggle.

"Or those crime dramas..." I added. "I... don't particularly want to think right now..." I just wanted something mind numbing to try and forget for a little while. He nodded and eventually settled on a stupid chick-flick romance movie. He put the remote off to the side.

"There. Mindless movie for you to stare at and not think about," he said, kissing my cheek again. I giggled a little.

"Thank you, love," I said, rubbing his chest slowly. The movie was just starting to get interesting when the doorbell rang and I jumped like a scared rabbit. I had forgotten about dinner and the police being on their way. Jurian chuckled some and carefully moved out from behind me.

"You sit there, baby, and I'll get the door," he said, going over to answer it. It was the Chinese delivery guy and he quickly paid the bill before carrying the food back to the couch and coffee table. "What do you want to drink?"

"Mmm, a diet Pepsi..." I said, sitting up and crossing my legs under the blanket. I leaned over to reach into the bag, finding my sesami chicken and a pair of chopsticks before sitting back. I figured my best chance for getting food on my stomach was going to be before the cops got here. He nodded and went to the kitchen before coming back with my drink and a regular Pepsi for himself. He handed me mine before grabbing his food and sitting down again.

"I do love the food from this place..." I murmured even as I turned my eyes back to the tv to finish the movie. I'd gotten through a little more than half of what I'd probably eat when the doorbell rang again and I almost dropped my box of rice on the floor. "Shit... the doorbell's gonna kill me..." My lover chuckled some.

"Relax, baby," he said, putting his food to the side and getting up again. "Don't give yourself a heart attack, please. I like you better alive," he added as he went to the door and let two officers into our house. I put my food aside, but I didn't get up.

"Hello, I'm Officer Jones and this is my partner Officer Marks," a tall blonde guy said. "You had someone leave a suspicious letter here earlier today?" he asked.

"Yes... It's in the kitchen," I replied, getting up to show them the way. Jurian closed the door behind them and followed us into the kitchen.

"It looks like it was written in blood, but it could just be red ink made to freak us out," he volunteered as I handed the officer the note.

"If it wasn't for how it was written, it would read like a secret admirer," one of the officers commented. "What was so scary about it?"

"He knows that Jurian works outside of the house and I rarely leave it..." I said, wrapping my arms around myself. "It's... like he's been watching for awhile."

"And if it is written in blood it's not exactly the most romantic wa to contact someone," my boyfriend added before picking up the rose and handing it to the other officer. "That came with it."

"Well, there's not much we can do at this point," Officer Jones said, pulling a bag from his pocket. "There isn't an identifiable threat in the note and they haven't hurt anyone. But we'll take this down to the lab, see if we can't find a name so you can file a restraining order if you want." I frowned some a looked away. I had sort of figured as much from all the crime dramas I'd watched.

"Thank you," Jurian said. "Even that much is better than nothing."

"Yeah, sorry we can't do more," Officer Marks said as he sealed the bag. "But make sure you contact us if you receive anymore letters or if anything happens." I nodded.

"I will..." I said softly, tightening my arms around myself. I didn't want to get anymore notes or have something worse happen. That was just asking for trouble.

"Again, thank you, officers. We appreciate the help," Jurian said as the two of them took their bags containing the letter and rose and headed back towards the front door. I waited until he'd shown the out before moving from where I was rooted to the floor.

"That was pointless..." I muttered, shuffling back to the couch and curling up under my little purple blanket.

"No, it wasn't," he said, joining me back on the couch. "If nothing else it creates a record so it'll be easier to do things later on," he reasoned as he wrapped his arms around me. I sighed and leaned into him, still finding the whole ordeal not worth losing my appetite.

"You still hungry?" I asked, looking up at him a bit.

"Sure, why? Are you?" he asked, tilting his head some to look down at me and therefore allowing me to take some pressure off my neck.

"No..." I said softly. "But... I was hoping you'd make me forget all of this... and leave me too exhausted to worry anymore..."

"Mmm I see," he said before picking me up and carrying me back towards our bedroom. "Between eating and making love to you… you really shouldn't have to ask. I will most definitely help to make you too exhausted to worry," he told me with a smile. I smiled up at him, wrapping my arms around his neck.

"Never hurts to ask.." I murmured before stretching up some to kiss him. He could navigate the house and our bedroom well enough to kiss me and walk. It wasn't like it would be the first time. He smiled into the kiss before meeting my motions with his own. One of his hands dipped down to fondle my backside even as he nudged open our bedroom door with his foot.

I moaned softly into the kiss as I moved in his grip so I could wrap my legs around his waist. My fingers moved into his hair and dug into his back as I opened my mouth some to deepen the kiss more. I was seriously about wanting to forget this afternoon had happened and a couple hours of mind blowing sex was the perfect cure.

He met the pace I was setting easily as he fell with me onto the bed, pinning me easily beneath his larger body. His hands moved to my shirt so that I could get rid of it, obviously wanting us skin to skin quickly. It wasn't all that hard to remove the t-shirt I'd borrowed from his drawer and then his hands moved down to the satin shorts I had on. I moaned again, lifting my hips to let him take off the girl's pajama shorts I usually wore around the house as my fingers starting pulling at his shirt. He'd have me naked in moments and I didn't want to be the only one unclothed.

He pulled back to let me remove his shirt before he pulled off my shorts and threw them off to the side. Instantly, he started kissing down my neck to my chest as his hands slid under me to massage my backside. I gasped softly before moaning, lifting my hips again to give him better access to my ass. I was already starting to get hot for more and my length was almost begging for his attention. Sex with him was just that good and the mere idea of getting some was enough to get me hard and wanting.

One of his fingers dipped down and started rubbing my entrance as the other hand moved to the drawer at the sidetable to get the lube we used. It only took him a moment to find it and pour some onto his hand. His mouth closed around one of my nipples as he rubbed his lubed fingers over my entrance instead of the one dry finger. My moans grew a little louder as I writhed under him in pleasure. We were both old hands at this game and I let myself get lost in the sensual routine.

"Mmm... Juri..." I moaned, rubbing my hands over his shoulders and roughly through his hair. He smiled against my chest and moved his mouth to pay my other nipple some attention as he worked one of his lubed fingers inside of me. I gasped again, my hips moving against his hand to ride his finger as my body arched some into his mouth. He knew all of my buttons so well and I spread my legs some to invite even more of his attention.

Jurian worked his way down and blew some cool air across my arousal. His finger pushed deep inside of me a few more times before he worked a second into me. I probably didn't need to be prepped since we had sex so often, but he never wanted to risk hurting me. It was one of the things that I loved about him. He always treated me as if it was our first time, even if we were both horny as hell. My length twitched at the breeze and I moaned, scraping my short nails over his shoulders gently in my desire.

"Oh... Juri..." I moaned deeply, my head thrown back some and my eyes closed in anticipation of the pleasure coming. He chuckled before licking the beads of precum off the tip of my length with one slow lick. His fingers slowly started stretching and thrusting into me as he took my member into his mouth. I cried out in pleasure as my fingers dug into his shoulders for a moment at the not surprising shock of his warm mouth around my heated skin. It felt so good and I couldn't keep my hips still between his talented mouth and fingers.

He started sucking on me even as he worked a third finger inside of me. I almost screamed as his fingers brushed over my prostate, sending a shocking wave of pleasure through my body and making it arch hard off the bed. My legs spread even further apart, wanting more as my hips rocked a more against his hand. He kept hitting that spot inside of me as he moved his mouth over me a bit faster. As always, he was trying to get me off before he found his own relief. Lucky for him, I was really, really close with him repeatedly hitting my pleasure button.

"Juri!" I cried, my body arching again and my fingers curling in his hair as I came hard into his mouth. I shuddered as my length pulsed a few times before letting me slide back down the pleasure mountain. He swallowed all of my release and pulled his head up to move slowly back up my body. His fingers kept thrusting into me as he moved up, not relenting on the pleasure for even a moment.

"You ready for me, baby?" he asked, kissing my chest as he moved passed it.

"Yes!" I cried, writhing as his fingers brought me back to full attention quickly. I loved having him inside me, in any form, but I especially loved feeling his thick rod filling my body up. He chuckled against my neck as he removed his fingers from me and undid his pants to kick them off. Once they were gone, he wrapped my legs around his waist and lined himself up with my entrance. He kissed me hard as he quickly thrust inside of me and then gave a few more thrusts to get himself completely seated in my body. He stopped once he was and gave me a chance to adjust to his size.

"Move..." I moaned after only a heartbeat. I was far too used to him now to have to wait more than that. To prove the point, I rolled my hips into him to get things started.

"Your wish is my command, baby," he murmured before pulling out almost completely and thrusting back into me. He started off fairly hard and slow and I moaned with each thrust. It felt so good that I couldn't keep still and kept moving my hips to meet his thrusts. My hands moved over the front and back sides of his shoulders and my mouth hung agape at the sheer pleasure just having him in me brought.

He slowly built up his speed as he thrust, shifting his hips some as he searched for my pleasure button. His mouth moved over my chest and neck, leaving small marks behind as he did. Neither of us had ever been shy when it came to hickeys after all. My moans grew louder again until I cried out in pleasure as he slammed into my prostate again. All of my muscles tightened for a moment at the sensation of intense pleasure racing through my body.

He smiled against my neck and kept hitting that spot as he sped up slightly with each thrust. My cries kept coming and grew steadily louder until he hit that spot one too many times and I screamed out in pleasure. Again all my muscles constricted as I spilled my seed between our bodies and curled my fingers into his skin and hair. He groaned and thrust a few more time as deep and hard as he could before he came deep inside of me and slowed to a stop. He panted some to catch his breath as he moved his lips up to cover mine.

I kissed him back, breathing heavily through my nose as I was still breathless from the orgasm. I let my legs slip from around his waist as I slowly rubbed my hands over him. I was exhausted from the stress earlier and the sex and knew it wouldn't take much to get me knocked out. He slowly ended the kiss and pulled out of me, but he didn't move off of me just yet.

"Mm, love you, Teag..." he muttered, brushing my hair back from my face gently.

"Love you too, Juri..." I murmured, smiling tiredly at him. And I really did. I couldn't imagine not having him in my life and I didn't want to. He smiled and rolled off me just enough to pull the covers up over us.

"Go to sleep, baby," he said, wrapping his arms around me. "You look tired enough to pass out any minute." I nodded, getting my body pressed flush to his before curling up and letting my eyes close.

"Mmm... don't forget... to put the leftovers away..." I murmured as I let the comfort that was his body lull me the rest of the way to sleep. "Night... love..."

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