Love is Blind! (:

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Love is Blind(:


Weary and emotionally drained, Danyel trudged up sixteen flights of stairs to his apartment. He had just come off a fifteen-hour shift at Inferno, an exclusively non-human drinking establishment where he tended the bar, and even though he felt like collapsing as soon as he walked through the door, he wanted very much to salvage the few remaining hours of Valentine’s Day with his partner. The holiday of hearts, flowers, and candy wasn’t widely celebrated in the preternatural community; most of those creatures preferred Halloween, which had left the usual crowd of smelly, obnoxious, inebriated patrons at Inferno. He had served just as much alcohol, wiped down the bar just as many times, and threatened and tossed out just as many drunken customers as any other day, and the thought of coming home to the man he loved instantly lifted his spirits.

Samyel had called him as he was leaving Inferno and told him to hurry home for a surprise. He was quite surprised when he unlocked the door to find his apartment dark and still. He had expected a candlelight dinner with wine and chocolate and Marvin Gaye playing in the background because Sammy was ridiculously romantic like that, and he was momentarily stunned. He glided into the apartment silently, willing his eyes to adjust to the low light as the shadows began to coalesce into familiar shapes. Just as he began to feel uneasy, he felt a shift in the air current and he jumped when a gentle touch ruffled the sensitive feathers of his wings.

From behind him a soft, lilting voice breathed, “Missed you, Danny-boy. Welcome home.”

A thrill jolted through Danny’s body at the sound of his lover’s voice. His wings trembled ever so slightly, expressing his pleasure at being reunited with his partner and shaking a few of his chocolate-colored feathers free to flutter around them. “I missed you too, Sammy. Happy Valentine’s Day. Now, can we turn on the lights?”

“Not yet,” came the soft, almost hypnotic reply. A soft cloth settled over his eyes, thwarting any further attempts to adjust his vision to the darkness. Panic began to rise to the surface of his consciousness; scarring events in Danny’s past had left him, a peri whose earthly body was no less than two millennia old, petrified of the darkness, or more accurately, what lurked in the darkness. His first reaction was to rip the blindfold from his face, but the firm grip of his lover’s hand stopped his own from doing that. The soft, lilting voice said, “I want this to be a Valentine’s Day you never forget. Do you trust me, Danny?”

“Absolutely,” he replied without hesitation, dropping his hand back to his side.

“Then let me make love to you,” the voice purred into his ear as he felt his lover’s hands rest lightly on his shoulders.

Without the benefit of sight, Danny could not anticipate the contact and felt every touch with a level of intensity that was both disconcerting and thrilling. When he nodded with just a hint of trepidation, his lover gently nudged him in the direction he was to go, and he took a few steps into what he thought was the living space of their small apartment and halted suddenly when he felt a brush of fingertips across his sensitive wing feathers. Apparently having abandoned speech and consequently depriving Danny of yet another of his senses, Sammy pulled his lover’s t-shirt over his head and pulled the hair tie free, letting his long, wavy locks fall across his shoulders. Then he began to plant gentle kisses all along his lover’s neck and shoulder as he reached around and slowly unbuckled his belt and unbuttoned his jeans. Just as Danny was anticipating the warmth of his lover’s hand on his manhood, Sammy abruptly pushed him down onto a soft bed of pillows covered by a velvety blanket and yanked his jeans free. The heat of his lover’s tongue trailed his body from the waistband of his underwear over his abs and his chest, traced the lifeblood in the veins of his neck, and followed his jawline until it gently forced its way between his lips in a passionate kiss as Sammy crawled up his lover’s body. As their fingers interlaced, Danny barely noticed that his hands were being gently forced through silky cloth cuffs until his lover pulled his fingers free and his wrists were caught.

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