Drool ! (:

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Drool (:


“Mnph!” I shook my head violently. Cale’s body was sticky with sweat and he panted like an overworked animal. He wouldn’t stop. He thrust as if it could get further in. It felt so good my face was messy with tears. A panel gag that kept the large ball filling my mouth was mashed against my face. “Gn!” I scream. He was so hot when his muscles tensed and gave his manlier grunts.

I wanted to close my legs and stop this madness. I couldn’t take it, not even for a second I would be sane. I’d tell him to stop if I could. No. More, more!

He must have seen something in my eyes because he slowed down to brush the sticky brown bangs from my eyes and said, “It’s OK, Sable. You don’t need to be scared.” I wasn’t. I groaned at the ball as saliva leaked from the corners of my thin, chapped lips. The panel worked to evenly distribute it over my mouth before finding an escape down my chin.

Teary, sticky, and now a slobbering mess I felt the ugliest person he could ever see. I turned my head and gave a moan as he begins to thrust strongly again. “Mn fuurk!” I jerk and spasm as he ignored it and kept going. I was close, so close. My hands white knuckled in fists around the end of the wooden arm rests. I couldn’t move them anywhere else when they were tethered with leather belts.

As if he could quiet me he pushed his open hand over the panel and squeezed my cheeks, pinning my head up against the back of the chair which I was slumped in. It worked. The ball shoved closer to my throat and for moments I suffocated.

I loved it. The moment his hand relaxed to let me babble and cry like an abused lover I wanted Cale to do it again. He didn’t.

“Fuck yeah.” He shuttered and released his seed all the way inside, shoving down on me until he reached his hilt. My legs that were secured apart to the arms of the chair tensed. I was turned on by feeling helpless and having him force it in so dominantly. I’m still not satisfied. Cale pulled out and took a step back to breathe. “Your turn.”

“?” I groan and squirm once he got onto his knees in front of my open legs. I could hardly see him with all the water in my eyes. There was no way to wipe them clear. He grabbed my hips and pulled them as hard as he wanted to slide my back even lower on the chair.

The bondage was so tight and the position was worse. My shoulders jabbed into the back of the chair and my head was propped up to strain my neck. It was even harder to breathe as he contorted me this way.

His hot hand grabbed me and began to jerk me off. “N!” I tried to thrash or at least lift my hips. They uncontrollably buckled down against the chair with his strokes. He wasn’t giving any options but to do as he wanted.

“Trying not to cum?” Cale chuckled at me; even sounding a little disappointed I’d try and refuse. “This will help.” I gave a small wail as he pushed his finger in and rubbed it over my prostate. With a few harder jerks and the continuous rubbing I gave sharp painful moans as cum spurt out on my stomach.

He let go and leaned his head past my twitching cock, smoothing his tongue over my mess to taste it. “Mmm.” He savored it as his cold blue eyes stared at mine. It gave me a twinge of please. No. Not again. I didn’t want to get hard again.

Think of something. My head spun as he lapped me clean. “I’m not done with you yet.” No! I tried to shift in the chair until he stood up and readjusted me so I sat higher. I couldn’t see him after he circled behind the chair, but I felt his mint breathe caress my neck.

“I’ll remove the gag, but…” His hand went under my chin and pulled up to crane my neck. I gave a strangled grunt. “You have to keep your mouth wide open for what I put in it next.” I shiver. “Understand?”

“N~” I gave a forced nod. I wanted the unknown, the dangerous unknown. He let my head fall back into place then grabbed a fistful of my hair and pushed my head down. “Gr.” I grunted uncomfortably as I managed to lean foreword a little. The gag began to loosen on my face then go completely slacked.

“Time to put your drool to use.” He tossed the gag down as my mouth stayed open like he’d ordered. I now know what he had in mind once he came to the side of the chair and showed his cock to me. He grabbed my hair again and dragged my head to it.

His cock went into my mouth and I trembled. Fear of suffocating was eminent again. I looked terrible with the drool running down my face, and now gushing out as he pushed his cock down on my tongue to get in my throat. “K!” I gagged and tried to pull away.

“Stay.” Cale ordered. “Let me use it.” He pulled out and I sucked in air. My eyes squinted as I kept my mouth open. He was going to do it again. He put his cock in my mouth and pushed me down on it. Every sore muscle I had tensed and another gag came. He pushed past my tightened throat and went further in, all the way. “Fuck yeah.” He panted, getting swollen again.

He began to thrust his hips in and out, listening to my panting and sniffling every time he pulled out just enough. The next gag was exceptionally harder to get past and I felt on the verge of throwing up. He gave a sudden slap to my cheek, “No teeth.” I hadn’t realized until he said. I tried to keep my mouth open wide enough for him to abuse it.

Finally he pulled away and I was left grabbing for air. He jerked himself quickly, “Look up at me.” He groaned. I did my best to try, keeping my mouth open since he hadn’t told me to do otherwise. His other hand quickly grabbed me and I gasped. Hot seed spurt onto my face and I instantly closed my eyes and shut my mouth.

As soon as he was done and left me disgraced, he walked behind the chair again. Cale breathed raggedly. Exhausted. My cheek stung from being slapped, but I was glad to feel how rough he could get.

“I’m done for now.” He stated. It allowed me some peace to relax against the bindings. I didn’t like to be left wondering.

“C-can you let me go…? I wanna take a shower…” My body felt gross now that it was over. My fingers were nearly stuck together from the sweat.

“You’ll stay like that for at least an hour.” Cale came back around the chair and smiled, “Just so that pretty cum can dry up.”

“Eh! No!” I flailed a little. How embarrassing!

He grabbed the panel gag and forced it back in my mouth, strapping it tight. “Just so you’ll remember you’re mine.” He waved his finger in front of my eyes. I whimpered when he tilted the chair and dragged it to the window. “And just for the world to see you’re mine too.” He chuckled and pulled up the shades.

I cringed at the bright sun that poured onto my pale skin. “Mnph!” I did everything I could to hide my shameful self as he walked off. It wasn’t possible.

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