Chapter 9-The Daily Prophet

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Hello there wonderful readers here is a well deserved chapter for you all hope you enjoy it.


Hermione's P.O.V

Class wasn't any better than what was already going on in my life. Snape just made my life a living hell everyday for the past two weeks. I haven't seen any trace of Malfoy lately only in class, and in our common room. And I rarely saw him there due to the fact that he always stayed in his room.

Ron on the other hand was completely avoiding me. Skipping breakfast, lunch, and dinner, and sitting as far away from me in class. It was completely childish. It wasn't my fault he had an outburst and yell at me twice in the same day.

The only person I have really had conversations with is Ginny, and sometimes Harry. I had told Ginny what had almost happened with me and Malfoy, and she went crazy saying "I told you he had a thing for you Hermione." It drove me crazy. But the funny thing is that I'm starting to have warm tingling feelings when I saw him. I miss him more and more everyday. I feel kind of lonely now that I don't see him that often, but then I have to keep remaining myself that this is Draco Malfoy I'm talking about, and he has changed. So why not. But I don't want Ginny to know that I have feelings for him, I really don't want Harry to know about it, he would be so mad at me knowing that his best friend has fallen for his arc-enemy and Merlin knows what Ron would do.

After class I walked with Ginny down the Great Hall to eat dinner. But once again I heard two familiar voices,but they were yelling this time, on the bottom of the staircase as Ginny and I were walking down. Blaise was peering over Draco but Draco was giving Blaise the deadliest look ever, if looks could kill Blaise would be dead by now.

"Your making a huge mistake, Draco!," Blasie screamed.

"I know what I'm doing," Draco screamed with pure rage in his voice.

"Think about what you father would say, think about what he would do Draco, do the right thing."

"To hell with my father I hope he rots in Askaban for all I care, I can make my own decisions."

"But that's what I'm trying to tell you Draco he's escaped, haven't you read the Daily Prophet this morning."

Me and Ginny were looking at each other questionably. "What are they talking about, mione," Ginny whispered to me, "I dont know Ginny," I said looking back at the at Draco and Blaise.

I guess their screams could be heard from the Great Hall because some people came to investigate peering into the corridor from the large doors. I guess they noticed that too because they stopped immediately. But then Draco looked eyes with me after he noticed me and Ginny standing at the top of the staircase. Then he started walking up the stairs and straight past me.

I wanted to bad to run after him to ask him what happened and comfort him, but I couldn't do that yet, it was a bad time right now.


"Did you hear Malfoy and Zabani arguing Hermione," Ron said two seats away from me, its the first time he's even talked to me in two weeks.

"Yeah I did we were right in front of them actually," that made me think about me talking to him.

"What do you think they were talking about."

"That's what me and Hermione were trying to figure out," Ginny said cutting in.

I got up slowly ready to go up to my common room when everyone around me asked me simultaneously where was I going. "I'm going to the... library." I don't think they believed me but when I looked at Ginny she was glaring at me with narrowed eyes with a knowing look in them. She knew me too well. I walked out of the Great Hall feeling eyes burning holes into my back.

When I was finally out of every ones sight I sprinted down the corridor and up several flights of stairs until I reached the large portrait containing Dumbledore I said the password and gained entrance. I saw Draco sitting in front of the fire with the daily  prophet balled up in a wad clenched him his hand. "Draco are you okay," I whispered to him with my voice being very low. I don't think he heard me enter because he slightly jumped at the sound of my voice.

"Leave me alone."

"I certainly will not leave you alone," I said spitting his words back at him that he once said to me."Now whats wrong I heard what Blaise said is it true." He just UN-crumbled the Prophet and handed it to me. The head-line said:

Death-Eater Lucius Malfoy escaped Askaban early this morning. There are no traces of him anyone. If anyone has any further information on Lucius Malfoy please contact the Ministry of Magic.

 I didn't read anymore. I looked up and saw tears in his eyes I reached over to him and embraced him into a hug. He quickly responded to it and hugged me back wrapping me tightly into his arms.

 We sat there for the rest of the night in silence


Sorry for the very short chapter I will make up for it and the next chapter will be longer Ok. Next upload is when I get 100 votes I have 69 right now. Dont forget to comment, and vote, vote, vote. Love you all. Bye.

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