Chapter 2-Head Boy & Head Girl

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Hope you enjoy all the second chapter please comment, and vote. And please dont go too hard on me, this is my first fan fiction after all.


'I have a very important duty for you two this year, that is if you accept it," said Mcgonagall

"Accept what," Malfoy blurted out rudely.

"Head boy and Head girl of course."

Excitement flowed through me, i always wanted to be Head girl ever since i stepped foot in Hogwarts.

 "Yes i'll do it,"I said with excitement.

"Ugh i don't want to be Head boy escorting ruddy first years into their dorms every night, its a waste of my time, and i DEFINITELY don't want to share a common room with this filthy mudblood," he said  looking at me with disgust in his eyes.

 Words cant describe how much that hurt.

Why does he hate me so much? I thought

I've done nothing to him,maybe that time i punched him in the nose in third year, but he deserved it didn't he?

"Tears were about to form in my eyes, then the professor asked him "Well Mr.Malfoy im sorry to hear that, but i don't see why you say no Its a really great position, your the top of your classes, and its more privacy cause you get a WHOLE room to yourself ."

She shook her head in disappointment.

"Well Ms.Gra-!"

"Alright I'll do it, but only because of the privacy," malfoy said rudely interrupting.

Well then very good mr.malfoy let me show you to your dorm.


Draco's P.O.V

I walked in the great hall proud that everybody came back for one last year

I went and sat beside Blaise, and pansy,I didn't really like Parkinson, but you know, she couldnt stop staring at my irresistible body, i figured why not give her a chance. 

I looked up straight ahead at nothing in particular,and caught sight of a bushy brown fuzz ball and recognized it immediatly. That bushy fuzz ball belonged to that stupid know-it-all, Hermione Granger.

I really HATE her!  I Thought.

"How can they even allow such Filth in this school."

Then I was brought back to reality by pansy telling me "Professor Mcgonagall has called you Draco."

I got up and walked toward the professor noticing everybody else was leaving, except for Granger, she was coming toward me, and mcgonagall for a reason i didn't not know until she said."Yes professor.

'I have a very important duty for you two this year, that is if you accept it."

"Accept what," My patience wearing thin.

Professor then asked us if we wanted to be Head boy and Head Girl.

Hermione immediately answered saying  "Yes i'll do it!"

That left me to answer, "Ugh i don't want to be Head boy escorting ruddy first years into their dorms every night, its a waste of my time, and i DEFINITELY don't want to share a common room with this filthy mudblood!"

I really meant my words, i couldn't stand Granger, because,well, Shes a muggle-born for crying out loud, and pure-bloods don't associate with MUDBLOODS.

I was so stuck in my thoughts that I toned out every thing else out until she was leading us somewhere, I'm guessing it was our new common room. It was a portrait of Albus Dumbledore.


 So this is my second chapter, ill be uploading every couple of days so yeah vote,and comment and i will love you forever, hope you enjoy this story. BYE.

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