Chapter 6-A change of heart

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Okay so heres the new chapter, hope you all Enjoy. :D


Draco's P.O.V.

"WHAT," I screamed without realizing it, you want me to be partners for a WHOLE year with this.... this beaver, first I have to share a common room with her, now i have to sit next to her in class AND be partners with her. I'd rather kill myself."

"Well go ahead nobodies stopping you you little ferret-," Hermione said before Snape cut in.

"SCILENCE," he shouted across the room, "you will work together for a whole year to do this very advanced death-like potion.It is not an complete death potion, its called the Draught of Living Death, it will put you in a very deep sleep until eventually you die ..It is a very difficult potion to make so i suggest you listen carefully and follow the directions, this potion will take precisely four months to make."

This is brilliant, just brilliant.Stuck in class with Granger, living with Granger.It makes me sick. I thought, not paying any attention to Snape anymore.

"Well aren't you going to work Malfoy" Granger asked me interrupting my thoughts.


I looked at Granger for a whole ten minutes trying to cut the snake fangs and put them into the cauldron. Then I looked at the open book beside of it say we need to out each of the following ingredients into it:  

Crushed Snake fangs




Valerian roots

Sopophorous bean

Sloth brains

The potion should resemble a smooth,black liquid halfway through it, then it should turn a lilac color, then the potion should turn clear as water after you stir the potion counter-clockwise seven times, then once the opposite way gives it a greater effect.

I tried to help her but she just slapped my hand away saying "I've got it" so I just sat back and watched.

 After sitting there for twenty amusing minutes watching Granger put some of the ingredients in the cauldron it was time to go, but when I looked up everyone was already gone but Granger and I.

"Why didn't you tell me the class ended" I said.

"You should have been paying attention, I was to busy trying to work on our assignment since you sat there and did nothing"

"Well I tried to help you but you wouldn't let me"

"Help,"she laughed, "the only thing you were going to do was make things worse like you always do"

  That hurt a lot but i wasn't going to let her know that, but I think she saw the expression on my face because she immediately apologized.

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to" she said with the saddest look on her face, it seemed like she really didn't mean it, I could tell by the look in her eyes.And for a moment I saw something different in her eyes that I never saw before.

"Its alright Granger I deserved it."

Then I walked away down the corridor hurt and guilty.


Hermione's P.O.V

Ginny and I were walking down the corridor to the Gryffindor common room late that day after dinner in the Great Hall.

"Ginny I think I really hurt his feelings, he seemed so.... sad when I said it."

 "Oh come on Hermione he'll get over it, I mean its Malfoy I bet he gets it all the time." Ginny said.

 "I don't know Ginny, you should've seen the expression on his face he really did seem hurt by it."

"I'm pretty sure there's nothing to worry about, and besides when have you ever been worried about him anyway."

"Yeah your right Ginny there's nothing to worry about, well thanks for listening, goodnight I will see you tomorrow, Yeah?"

 "Of course, goodnight." she said the entered the portrait hole.

I walked for at least five minutes until I heard quiet voices down the corridor. I couldn't make out the voices at first but i soon came to realize that it was Malfoy and Zabani.

"I can't do it," Malfoy said in a hushed voice.

"What do you mean you cant do it, you have to do it, you know what your dad would do if you don't" Zabani said with the same hushed voice.

"Yeah I know but I cant do it Blaise, I just cant, i'll just have to take whatever punishment my dad gives me."

"Alright man I've got your back, whatever choice you make," said Blaise

"Thanks Blaise."

I heard foot steps coming closer and I backed up quickly trying to make a run for it before Malfoy saw me. I turned the corridor thinking i got away until i bumped into a figure knocking me on the ground.


SO what was Draco and Blaise Wisphering about you just have to keep reading later on in the story to find out his big secret. And tell me what you think please please please comment and vote and dont be afraid to tell me whats wrong with the story or if its boring or not okay, lol :), . Well byee

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