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"There's an entrance here... and another here," Charles explains as he, Erik, Hank, and Peter stand around a planning table with a large piece of paper covering it. Xavier is drawing out all he can remember about the base when he saw it in Cerebro. "I remember... she was in one of the interior rooms somewhere around here," he tries hard to make it come back to him but it's difficult to remember that much detail. "It was heavily guarded. Most of it concrete and—plastic guns like the CIA had."

"Well they can't make it too easy, can they?" Erik asks darkly with an almost smirk.

"There's no way we will survive a full on attack they looked like they had things that... I have never seen before," Charles says.

"And they have a telepath. So they will be able to counter us. Will they be able to know mutants are near since Trask had a lot of machines that did that?" Hank asks.

"I don't know..."

"We'd have to erase our mutant code—maybe with my serum?"

"We'd have to erase our mutant code—maybe with my serum?"

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"Or at least counteract it," Erik says.

They look at him.

"Charles can come with us. With his telepathy he can block Wendy from seeing us so we become ghosts... With you in the field it will be like old times." He smirks with his brows raised.

"I'm not as mobile as that anymore, my friend," he returns with a skeptical look.

"You don't have to be," he cuts in. "You only have to be close enough where you can block her abilities. Afterwards we'll get you out."

He swallows and is nervous about it. "It's not going to be easy... This place is heavily guarded and a stealth attack will be difficult."

"Good thing I take the easy way," Erik says.

"You can't just go smashing through things here," Hank says

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"You can't just go smashing through things here," Hank says.

"I know my business well, I've been doing it all my life."

"No," Charles says. "We can't just go in there and start killing them. Once we do that they'll know we're after them and they'll go straight for us. We can't let them hurt my students."

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