Getting my Wings

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As I March through the Parade Grounds about to join the 21st airborne as a combat pilot, I couldn't of held a bigger smile. The higher ranking officers and and their CO'S all turned up, we had rehearsed this moments over and over again until it felt like an eternity before the real parade would come. "Parade Party ATT-ENTION" my hands rocket to my side today is the day I have spent countless hours behind a simulator for, today is the day I shot countless 9mm rounds for, today is the day I obtain my wings. The golden wings are not only a sign of achievement but also a sign of respect and acknowledgment. "Parade Party FOR-WARD MARCH!, HUT TWO THREE FOR HUT" and it was at that precise moment, as we marched into view of our parents the senior drill instructor just had to embrass us all once more, what cadence does he chose none other than this one "HUT TWO THREE FOUR CAD-ENCE MARCH. IMA A BARBIE GIRL, IN A BARBIE WOR-LD." I will never forget that day. "Parade Party HALT!, Parade Party about turn, Parade Party Gen-eral salute." The bagpipes and drumcore then piped up their usually tune and our wings were presented I almost felt like running up to a set and taking it hissing myyy preciiouuus, but you know what gunny would think of that, my ass would dissapear either that or become bigger either way he wouldn't like it. The officials then crawl up to us in their usual slow manner pin our wings on our chest then we salute random mofos again and march out, damn parade gets annoying.

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