Chapter 3

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Headly POV

I felt the air on my back... I was falling. Did he just pushed me off of the building?! What's weirder was that his hands were still on my hips and he was on top of me.

His eyes were black and I can see that clearly now. He looked me in the eyes and I didn't even see it but I did feel it when he swang with me in his arm pulling me closer and I felt his lips on mine. Something in me made me kiss him back.

We were on air and then I felt all the air stop. He had stopped and had me in his arms still kissing as we were on another roof or somewhere, I didn't care the only thing going through my body was the sensation he was putting upon me. How nervous I felt in his arms, the electric shocks his lips and hands were giving me. I was standing by now but I didn't feel it, in my head I was still on the air with his hands around me. Once he pulled back I opened my eyes I haven't even noticed that I had closed them enjoying the kiss as much as possible.

"Why did you-" I started but was cut off by his lips again. Why did this felt so... good, right but at the same time I knew this was wrong very wrong.

"Cause I like you Headly. Always have." He whispered so silently I though I imagined it.

"What?" I said surprised

"I like you ok?! I really like you."

"Aren't you scared of me?" I asked

"Why would I be?" He asked

"I act more insane than my parents, your father is my fathers greatest enemy... you are a hero and a role model to most people, I on the other hand am hated by almost everyone and every villain is scared of my own father, hell even I sometimes am. I'm daddy's little girl but that doesn't mean I'm safe of his insanity. My point is I'm not a girl you want to be with." I said

"What if it is? I like your insanity, I like how you get with Nova, I like how you just flirt but don't let anyone touch you, I like how you look at people. Call me crazy but I'm crazy for you, I like how you get me out of that little safe world everyone lives in, I like that you just speak your mind and put yourself out there. I like how you always have my senses on edge, I like you Headly." He said surprising me.

"And I want to be with you, even if it is only when we're alone. I want you to be mine Headly." I laughed

"You know you're going to be betraying your father right?" I said

"Since when do you care?" He asked I gave him a smile.

"I've always cared." Is all I said before giving him a kiss on the cheek and jumping off the building it was high but I took the weapon Jaxon had when he swigged us to another building apparently he hadn't noticed I took it cause I heard him scream my name.

~Next Day At School~

"So why do you have such a big smile today?" Ash asked

"Something happened yesterday." I said simply

"And that something is.." He asked I looked at him and gave a wicked smile as I saw Nova and Jaxon behind him. I put Ash's hand around my shoulders and started walking.

"You'll find out soon enough." I said as I entered class just as the bell rang. Me and Ash took our normal seats. Halfway through class Jaxon didn't stop looking at me.

"Why's the bat staring at you so much?" Ash asked I looked at him

"Well I said something happened yesterday didn't I?" I said he looked at me strange

"And what does it have to do with the bat?" He said now looking at Jaxon

"Everything actually." I said giving a wicked smile

"Quinn ether you tell me or I won't take you shooting with me again." He said

"Fine. Yesterday dad got mad cause no one called home, and said that sometimes he wonders if I'm not his daughter. So I got out of the house and went to a building with a nice view, I don't know how much time I stayed there all I know is that he found me there and well we kissed and he basically asked me out." I said and looked at Jaxon for the first time since we entered the classroom

"Wait go back did you just say kissed?!" He answered surprised

"Yep. Kissed." I said simply, he gave me a face that I didn't know how to read.

"I don't know what to think about this." He said I laughed a little 

"Yeah well nether do I."  I said he looked at me and gave me a sad smile

~Time skip~

"Perfect you're getting better." Said Ash as I shot all the targets 

"Yes she is." I heard behind me I turned and there I found dad

"Dad.." I said no knowing what else to say 

"So this is where you come after school?" He said in a question form even though he already knew the answer.

"You're coming with me today. I have some things to do and that Bat is getting in the way.." He said mom appearing behind him my breath stopped for a second before I nodded and gave Ash his gun back. What other choice did I have? I can't say no to my father.

"Let's go." He said as mom hugged his hand and I walked to him as we got on our separate vehicles to go to the unknown place -to me- that we were going.

"I want you to shoot the bat if he gets in our way. Do Not Kill Him." Dad said and I nodded

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 09, 2018 ⏰

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