Chapter 2

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Headly POV

Well they did get very desperate and only one of my teachers called home and it was because she was a new teacher and didn't know who my parents were as soon as mom answered and said her name the teacher went pail!

"Well at least I had my fun." I said Ash laugh

"Wanna go practice shooting?" He asked I nodded with a smile Ash was just like his father he never misses and his showing me how to shoot I'm not that bad but I still miss sometimes.

"Yeah!" I screamed and we went to his house to get some gun's

"Where do you think you're going?" Dead shot asked

"Shooting! Why? Is the world ending?!" I said funny he gave me a laugh

"You're just like your mother Headly." I gave a bow

"Thank you! I'm here all week." And with that we left and practice shooting I only missed 3 out of 20!

"Nice Headly!" Ash said and gave me a hug

"Now I need to get home dad's gonna show me some new tricks." He said I nodded

"Alright I guess I'll go to mine." I said

I was sad. Don't get me wrong I love my parents and all but they're not the best at being parents... I make it look as if it was the best thing to be the Jokers and Harley Quinn's daughter but since only one teacher called home I'm dead meat...

Once I got home my parents were there.

"Where were you?" Dad asked with that crazy look I have to say I get scared when he looks like that I swallowed loud

"I was practicing my shooting." I said he got up and pinned me to the wall

"That's good.. I want to know why only one teacher called home today? Didn't I tell you to be extra bad today?" He asked I nodded

"Yes but all the teachers know you're my father... and I did go to the principles office more than 4 times. I had detention and I didn't go." I said scared he threw me against the floor he acted like this every time something went wrong and if I didn't do what he said.

"I don't care! Those are amateur things to do! Sometimes I don't think you're my daughter!" I was crying and looked away getting up and running.

I left the house or warehouse and jumped roof by roof till I got to one that had an awesome view of the whole city. I started looking at it and crying I hated when he acted like that. I mean I'm just a kid, I'm still not a full villain and I'm not perfect... Would it kill him for once in a while give me hug or complement me for no reason? I sometimes wish I'd have a normal family but I know that would never be real...

"What are you doing here?" I heard a voice when I look behind me it's Jaxon

"You're gonna get a cold if you stay here." He said I looked at him strangely

"Why?" I asked he laugh a little

"It's night and it's raining what do you think would happen?" He asked me it wasn't till now that I noticed that

"Oh." I said he sat next to me

"What's wrong?" He asked I looked at him strangely

"Since when do you care?" I asked he just gave me a small smile

"I'm not a monster you know... I can't just ignore someone when they're crying." He said to me I just blinked

"You do that when you hate someone.. you are supposed to leave them to suffer on their own.. specially if that someone is your greatest enemy." I said looking away

"Well yeah.. you may be my enemy most of the time... but I can see through you Headly. I know you're like this because of your parents.. I just don't understand why you hide it and let everyone think you're proud of being a villains daughter." He said I just gave one of the insane laughs I use

"It is awesome being a villains daughter.. you get to do what ever you want whenever you want. You go rob banks, stores, terrorize schools. The adrenaline of danger you get for knowing that you can get caught at any moment is something you don't get as a hero.. you don't make as much money or the things you want as a hero, while when your a villain you get all of that and more.. The only bad thing is when you don't follow your parents orders. That's the only thing bad of being a villains daughter. You have to follow your parents orders no matter what." I said looking down I was sitting at the edge of the building looking at how high it was my back to him that is when I felt a pair of hands on my hips hugging me from behind and a head on my shoulder, I blinked multiple times what the fuck was happening here?!

"Ah, what are you doing?" I asked

"Giving you a hug." He said simply for some reason I felt heat on my cheeks... was I embarrassed?

"Why?" I asked again I didn't exactly understand what that was.. I didn't get what the feeling of a hug was... I never had one, not even Ash has given me one at least not like this.

"Do you really need a reason for a hug?" He asked again I turned around and looked at him strangely

"People don't give hugs just because.. at least not in my world." I said he gave me a sad look

"In mine they do.. and I think I want you to be part of it." He said I blinked was I listing right did he just say he wanted me to be part of his world?

"What is that suppose to mean?" I asked he just gave a funny laugh and in a few seconds he did something that really surprised me...

Cliff hanger I am so sorry for the long wait guys but is finally here! What do you think he did? Did he push her off the building? Did he kiss her? Continue to read to find out!

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