
496 21 10

//Your P.O.V//

I sat in bed not wanting to get up. I sighed watching the ceiling, I'm not even tried and I was up a long time. I stayed up until 12, and went to bed around 1 then woke up at like 3:30 now it's 4. Then my phone dings. I grab it of the dresser next to me and open it up, oh a text from Sasha.
(S-Sasha Y-Your Name)

S-Hey! Um I can't sleep lol
Y- Same
S- Sitting in bed watching the ceiling?
Y- Yup
S- Same Ha, um something wrong?
Y- Nope
S- That's a lie
Y- So what if it is?
S- SO WHAT!? Gurl tell me
Y- Nothing just a lot on my mind
S- Ya okay, then tell me what's on your mind?
Y- Stuff that's all I gtg finally feeling sleepy night!
S- You liar!

I set my phone down staring at the ceiling again. My phone beeped a little more but I didn't do anything. I finally fell asleep but soon enough I woke up again. It was seven in the morning so I got up and got dressed. I did all the morning stuff and looked at my phone. A bunch of texts, I sighed swiping them away and put my phone in my pocket. I'ma go for a walk. I grabbed my hoodie and made my way out the door. As I walked down the streets rain started to poor down on me. The light smell of moss filled the air and I just kept walking. Until I looked up and seen, I didn't even know where I was, sighing I just kept walking. I didn't know where I was going, don't even think I really care I just wanna get, away. Then I bump into someone and I fall into a puddle. I looked up to see him walking away.

"Jerk" I scowled

I got back up and thankfully only got my hoodies sleeve wet and only a little. I kept walking until I found myself wondering aimlessly around a playground. It looked abandoned. I sat at one of the picnic tables under a oak tree watching the swings swing along with the ran beat down on them. I pulled out my phone that was buzzing seeing Milly calling. I answered with a sigh.

"Hello?" I answered into the phone.

"Hey, um I stopped by your place and you weren't home so I called" she told me.

"Why?" I asked

"Well it's Saturday and well I wanted to hang out with you" She giggled "Since you didn't show at the party" She said her voice filled with sorrow.

"Um, Ya okay you have your car?" I asked liking around.

"Ya, why are you asking you always know I have my car" she laughed.

"Well that's a good thing cuz I need you to come get me I don't even know where I am" I chuckled slightly.

"What!? Ugh! Your always getting into trouble and mayhem!" She shouted at me. "Describe what's around you"

"I'm in an abandon playground" I sighed.

"OMG! Your in the bad part of town!? I'll be there as soon as I can don't get killed!" She shouted then hung up.

I watched the rain a little more waiting for my ride. Soon I heard foot steps. Oh great I'ma get almost kidnapped again. You know what, I really don't give zero fucks.

"You know what?" I chuckled. "Just tell me why you want me!" I shouted I got up and turned angrily to the person. "I HAVE NOTHING TO LOSE NOW THAT I LOST EVERYTHING!" I screamed at them.

"I'm sorry I did that to you" Ethan's sad voice came ringing out to me.

I opened my angry eyes to met up with Ethan's tear filled eyes. I soon lost it and started to cry. I ran to him an into his arms. He hugged me tight and kissed my head.

"I'm sorry" I mumbled into his jacket.

"No I'm sorry please forgive me" he cried with me.

"I'll forgive you until the end of time" I cried as well.

"Your my everything until the end of time" he hugged me tighter.

We just stayed silent for a while until he pulled away looking into my eyes. Then he kissed me. As we kissed it felt like time stopped. My heart fluttered and skips some beats. I finally felt like I belonged because of Ethan. The rain was falling but yet it felt like the sun was shining only on us. Like some kind of spot light. But soon to ruin our moment, I heard a click, and I knew what it was... me and Ethan pulled away to see... MILLY!?

"M-Milly?" I questioned

"Back away from the girl" Milly hissed

"Milly he's good-" I was saying but she cut me off.

"I DON'T GIVE A CRAP ABOUT YOU!" She yelled at me laughing swinging her gun around that was aimed at me. "I came here to kill you (Y/n), but I guess your boyfriends going along with you" she snickered.

"Why?" I whispered.

"I DON'T NEED TO EXPLAIN!" She yelled once more. "Let's just get this party started!" She shouted happily.

Then a shot rang out. I gasped looking down but nothing then, it came to me, ETHAN! I turned swiftly and Ethan was... fine? He was checking himself then turned to me and seen I was fine. Then we both looked at Milly, her smirk was wiped clean off her face. She looked at me with pure hatred before I seen blood going through her grey jacket. Then she fell to the muddy ground with a light thud.

"Mess with my friends and you die bitch" A husk voice only known to be good o'l Mark rang out above the rain and silence.

"Mark!?" Ethan gasped and Mark chuckled.

I turned and hugged Ethan and Ethan hugged me back. No more of this! I don't want it! I cried lightly and Ethan held me tight, whispering contorting things to me.

"Ethan" I cried and pulled away a little.

"Yeah?" Ethan lifted my head.

"I love you" tears came from my eyes.

"I love you too" he smiled and then we kissed.

"Yuck, young love" Mark hacked

(Alright! I hope you enjoyed! Slap that star button right in the face with your foot to become a fellow comrade! Love you special animals!

Kidnapped By Mr.Blue Boy (CrankGameplays x Reader)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें