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//Your P.O.V//

I woke up and yawned, No breakfast, No warm cuddly Ethan like last night, No hint of a hate love relationship in the air... nothing. I rolled over curling up into a ball... maybe he's still sleeping. Then the door opened and I heard Ethan's voice sigh.

"I wish I could tell you I love you too, I'm sorry last night was awful... if you were wake I'd hug you an never let go... I bet you don't wanna talk to me ever, that's why I'm doing this" Then I heard his foot steps coming over to me. I heard tape being ripped and then it was placed over my mouth. I opened my eyes and I seen a bag. It went over my head and I screamed into the tape. "I'm sorry, I love you so much. That's why I'm doing this" he told me. I struggled a lot. Then I slipped out of his hands and I hit my head knocking me out.


I began to open my eyes to see a bright light. It blinded me so I looked away and then I heard beeping. I looked over to the side of me and seen a monitor, my heart beat? Then I heard a door opened but the light was still in my face. I squinted my eyes and someone pushed the light to the side.

"Sorry Ms.(last name) I don't know who put that in your face" a woman chuckled. The lady moved the machine and my eyes adjusted and there standing was... A NURSE!? I smiled and a tear left my eye. "Its okay, it's okay" she tried to calm me down. I began to sob as I held her hand. "It's okay, what happened dear?" 

"I-I, I don't know... I feel like it was a all a dream... a dream I can remember all to well" I started to cry a little.

"It's okay, your safe... Is it okay if the detectives come in?" She asked. "They've been dying to talk to you since you arrived."

"No" my voice shaking. "I-I just wanna rest" I told her. I tried to wipe away my tears but they just kept coming.

"Okay I'll tell them to come back later" she nodded and left the room.

I sighed looking around. The window was open but it was dark outside. A little air hit my face and a shiver went down my spine. Ethan, why? I finally understand you, and you let me go? Why? I have so many questions... The real question is, where am I? Is this a hospital? I SWEAR IF THIS IS ALL A JOKE! I looked over to the door she left out of and the light was turned off. Everyone must be leaving. All except some. I seen a plastic bag and it had my clothes. What do I do? What will I do? Where will I go now that Ethan's gone? I look down at my leg and see someone wrote on my cast.

I'll love you forever sunshine

In black marker. I touched it and ran my hand over the ruff blue bandage. Ethan, I'll love you even though you let go. I might have never shown it or thought to much about it but... I love you. I looked out and seen the stars. Where ever you are I hope you know I love you.

//Ethan's P.O.V//

As I watch the stars from the front porch I think of (Y/n). That was my goodbye. That fight, I wish I told her in the face how I felt. I wish she knew how much I really love her. I wish I could show her she meant more than the whole world to me.

"You'll always be my first love" I whispered. "I found you, loved you and when I was going to let you go... you love me" a tear left my eye. "Now your gone" I sighed and went inside

I went into my room and changed into my PJ's. I opened my bedroom door and seen her light in her room was on. I must of left it on somehow. I went in and was about to turn the light off but when I did I looked at the bed. It was still a mess from her sleeping in it. I walked over to it grabbed her pillow. I hugged it and whispered things to it. Then stopped realizing I was such a creep. I put the pillow down crawling in. I rested in it and sniffed smelling her sweet sent. A small tear let my eye again.

"Good night my sunshine" I said falling asleep.

//Your P.O.V//

I yawned opening my eyes. It's already morning. I looked around, nothing, no sigh of Ethan. I feel like crying but hold it in. Then there was a knock.

"Ya" I call out with a sore throat.

"Oh honey!" Mom can running into the room and up to me hugging me. "This is why you don't leave the house! You get kidnapped!" She cried

"M-mom please" I whispered.

"When you get home your not leaving until I know your not going to be kidnapped again" she insisted.

"No mom" I told her.

"No?" She questioned letting go. "What do you mean no?"

"I mean, I mean no! W-when I get out of this hospital I'm getting my own home" I nodded my head. "Your not running my life anymore" I explained. Ethan made me realize something last last night I was there.

"And where are you going to go!? Huh!? I'm not going to support you!" She laughed. 

"W-well I don't care!" I told her. "I-I'll live alone, I'll.. I have a job an.. An I'll make my own way with or without anyone" I teared up. "I have someone somewhere"

"How do you know that!" She snapped stomping her foot.

"I just do" a tear slide down my face. 

"Your kidanpper.. oh my.. You, you liked your kidnapper, didn't you?" She asked disgusted

"Mom you don't know anything, and it's better that way" I told her.

"Ugh your such a whore!" She yelled at me.

"Mom stop!" I yelled

Then the door opened and the nurse came over to my mom.

"Ma'am you have to go, she's supposed to be getting rest not yelling and arguing" she told my mom shooing her out.

Mom left and same with the nurse. I started to cry to myself. I curled into a ball and cried.

"Come back my stupid asshole blue boy" I cried

I stopped crying after a few minutes. I buzzed the nurse assistant button. Then a nurse came in and smiled at me.

"Yes?" She nodded.

"Um, ma'am can you hand my bag over here? My phone might be in there" I told her.

"Okay" she smiled again. She walked over to the bag picking it up and bringing it over to me. "Anything else?" She asked

"No, thank you" I nodded my head.

"Get some rest Ms.(Last name)" she told me and then left the room.

I dug through the bag and found my phone. I opened it up and looked through. Then I came across all the texts. Then I texted my friend Milly.
(M-Milly Y-your name)

Y-Hey you there?
M-OMG! Are you okay!? Where are you!?
Y-um, in the hospital, don't come I just wanna text for now
M- okay okay, I understand what happened?
Y- a lot
M- Like? You don't need to tell if you don't wanna
Y- no no, I will where should I start?
Y- okay well, I was coming home from the bar and well, I wasn't fully drunk cuz well, if I was I wouldn't remember... anyway! I seen this cute guy and left cuz why try? And I ended up getting kidnapped by him.
M- You know his name?
Y- Ya
M- who was it? Your going to the police about this right!?
Y- no
M- What!? Why!? Cuz he was cute!?
Y- No because, I just don't have enough on him.
M- if you won't I will!
Y- Milly!
M- I care about you! They're not getting away with this!
Y- they won't, they'll get caught, I only have a first name. And that's probably not real. It's common too.
M- we'll get this guy.
Y- we can only hope.

I put down the phone and started to cry again. I heard my phone go off but I didn't answer. I don't wanna. My phone kept making noises but I didn't care anymore. No one understands, not even my best friend. Only Ethan could, and he's gone...

(Okay! Another chapter done! I hope you all like it so far! I mean I'm getting a lot of votes and reads I'm so happy! Thanks so much! Slap that star button right in the face with your foot to become a fellow comrade! Love you special animals!

Kidnapped By Mr.Blue Boy (CrankGameplays x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now