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//Ethan's P.O.V// (After Ethan dashed away⬇)

I stopped running after I dash behind a building around the corner. I heard her yell which broke me even more. I don't wanna hurt her, nor give her the feelings I did... so I have to stay clear of her. I walk kicking stones on the way to the party. Should I still go? I mean Luke only wanted me to go because he wanted me to met his girlfriend. I shook my head looking at the end of the block. There was lights coming from the house and I could hear a light humming from the music. Surly a crazy party. I scuffed and decided. I'm walking home. As I was getting close to Marks house, my phone went off. It was Mark, wow great timing. I answered.

"Hello?" I said plainly

"Luke just texted me saying you haven't showed at his party, what's up?" Mark asked worried

"I'm fine, just something happened and I didn't wanna go is all" I explained half ass.

"Ya okay, just come to my place I'll drive you home" Mark insisted.

"I have legs you know, I can walk" I said annoyed

"To f-ing bad I'm coming out if you won't come in!" He barked. "Now get your ass over here" he snapped then beeping was heard.

I snarled at the phone clicking end. He really knows how to push my buttons! I walked up to his steps take one at a time. Finally I was face to face with the door. I growled and sigh knocking. Soon the door opened and there was Mark, without his shirt and his M mustache pants.

"Didn't think you could run" Mark laughed.

"Didn't think you'd have a six pack with all the junk you've been inhaling" I laughed back.

"Ha! Nice one" He punched my arm. "I'ma go get my keys hold on" He told me then sprinted off into his dark home. "Alright let's go!" He called out at me.

He ran out of the house jumping of the porch and landing on his feet. He chuckled knowing he could have just broke his face.

"Idiot" I hissed and walked down the few stairs there were and walking up to the car.

He beeped the car and I got in. The whole rid was silent and I just watched stuff and things just go by.

//Your P.O.V// (Back to where I left off from ITS YOU!?)

I stood in disbelief as I seen Mark leaning against the counter. He smiled and nodded.

"Hey there, long time no see" He teased.

I snarled and scuffed at him.

"Sir either buy something or get outta here" Sasha demanded

Mark snarled at her and turned back to me with a sick smile.

"I just have one thing to say" He shrugged, he walked up to me and as he was about to go an whispered. "11 o'clock (Parks name) be there" And with that, left.

I stood in shock and fear. What would he do with me? Am I going to get kidnapped by him!? It seems no matter what happens something always happens to me! There usually never good!

"You okay?" Sasha asked cleaning the counter.

"Y-Ya just a, um old friend... very unexpected visit" I gulped walking up to the counter.

"Oh okay then, um you'll work up front today then tomorrow you'll be in back and so fourth" She nodded then walked into the back and out if sight.

I sighed and walked over to the table that had aprons. I put one on and it said 'Cally's Cakery Bakery!' In big baby blue cursive words. I stood there and took my phone out starting to playing a game. Then the bell rang and I looked up, there was standing a girl with bright blonde hair and a smile plastered on her face. She walked up to the counter and she looked through the cupcakes and mini cakes. She smiled and looked back up to me.

"May I have the maple sugar tart please, and um, a surprise one for my boyfriend" She told me.

Alright, I got the maple one out and grabbed a double chocolate chip coffee mini cake for the boyfriend.

"Here you are that will be..." I checked back on the cash register. "$3.56 please" I smiled.

"Wow that's cheap!" She said in shock then handed me the money. "I'll definitely come back some time" She nodded then went on her way.

I smiled and sighed then a frown spread on my thinking about last night. 'Goodbye forever' He really said goodbye forever... What did I do wrong?


I sat in a bench in the park waiting for Mark. What he wanted I didn't know, why he made it the park was also a mystery. I sighed looking at my watch. 11:01... He's late. Then a twig broke and I spun around getting up from the bench frightened. I swear if this is a prank, or another creep trying to get into my pants!

"Show yourself!" I yelled

But no answer. I growled in anger. Gosh darn it come out! I put my fists into a ball and stormed away. My feelings have been played with enough!

"Where you going?" Marks dark voice came from behind me.

I turned around and snarled at him. I looked down at my watch to see it was 11:05. I smirked and looked back up at him.

"Your late" I crossed my arms.

"And you were early" He laughed. "I've been watching you yell at a squirrel for no reason" He teased me

"F you!" I yelled. "Why did I even come here!?" I shouted then turned.

"Because I told you to" Mark snapped.

I turned back to him and he looked like me, arms crossed and with a sassy look on his face along with a smirk. I frowned and growled.

"Why? Why did I need to come here to get lip from you!?" I snapped at him putting my balled up fists to the side of me.

"Lip?" He smirked

"Not like that you idiot!" I spat at him.

"You know you want some" He moved his hand down his face.

"I'm going to vomit" I shook my head. "Besides flirting with me, why am I here?" I asked rolling my eyes.

"I'm here to talk to you about Ethan, He's been off ever since he got rid of you" He explained.

"He doesn't care about me anymore, I don't think he ever did" I looked down.

"(Y/n), he still cares about you" He told me. "He just don't wanna admit it nor see that he's breaking himself without you" he explained. I blushed and looked down. "Your everything to him"

"Mark that's every sweet but um, I'm sorry I have to go I'm tired and-" Then a click was heard.

"Your going no where" Mark demanded.

I looked back at him and there aimed at me, was a pistol. I sighed and sat on the bench.

"I've cheated death before, And I don't care now" I admitted.

"What about Ethan!?" He said in shock.

"If he loved me why run away? He knows I love him, so why push me away?" I shook my head.

He just stood there, not saying anything. I took that as a, I don't know. I shrugged smiling a little. If I'ma die I don't care, but I'm for sure not getting my leg shot again that hurt like a butt cheek on a stick!

"Well goodbye Mark, maybe I'll see you again if you want... I'm sure you can be a pretty good stalker if you tried" I smiled waved then turned.

"Y-You can't leave!" He shouted at me. "I-I have a gun!" He shouted once more.

"And if you think Ethan cares for me, you won't put me in any danger" I told him. "You shot me, you lost your friend too" I turned my head a little to look at him from the corner of my eyes. "Plus I don't think it's even loaded" I shrugged.

He had a shocked face and I smiled turning and walking away.

(So why do you think Mark wants you and Ethan together? Comment below! Slap that star button right in the face with your foot to become a fellow comrade! Love you special animals!

Kidnapped By Mr.Blue Boy (CrankGameplays x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now