The Last Night Snatch

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//Your P.O.V//

As I walk in the cupcake shop after a night on the town, I peer over the selection. My bag over my shoulder, I look through the glass at the may cupcakes and smiled.

"How may I help you?" The lady chirped.

"Yes um-"I scanned over the beautiful bouquet of colors and flavors. Which one should I choose? "I would like that one" I point to a big vanilla cupcake with blue frosting.

"That will be $2.13 please" She smiled at me. I gave the lady the money an she gave me the cupcake. "Have a great day" she told me

"You too!" I smiled. Very chipper for someone still up at this time.

I sit down in a booth and unravel my dessert. I start to do things on my phone an listen to music when the bell up on the door rang. I glanced up to see a guy with blue hair. He really caught my eye. I studied him for a moment, taking in every freckle and blemish on his pale skin. I day dream a little bit out of habit, he was very nice to look at . However, he's probably out of my league anyway. He just walked right by me and up to the counter. Who am I to stare? I seem like a creep.

"Hi, I'd like to have that cupcake" I stare at the phone trying to concentrate on anything but this. His voice just clouds over my thoughts. Wait- wait um- is there any peanuts in there? I'm allergic" He asked chuckling.

"No sir" I heard her open the case. My eye dart up with the sound of movement. "There you are" She said handing him the cupcake.

"Here's a five, keep the change." Turning he walked over to a small booth. The dark blue cushions matching his vibrant hair.

Taking a seat his eyes glanced up at me. He smiled then looked down at his cupcake. A harmless smile that wigged me out. He made me feel SO weird. I grab my things and began to head out. No reason to stay. Especially with my brain all scrambled. I push open the door and a cold breeze hits my face. I shiver  As I walked away from the shop the wind scraps againstmy face. It's not winter but still cold. I should have brought my coat.

As I shivered I began to feel uneasy. As I'd someone was watching me. I turned around but nothing was there. I breathed, trying to capture my thoughts before processing.

Well until I heard footsteps behind me. Heavy. My anxiety and adrenaline grasping each other as fear floods through me. I turn sharply to... nothing... 'What the hell is going on?' I start to walk faster until a breeze by my neck scares me and I jump a bit. What the hell!? This is so stupid!

Get your head out of the clouds. This is crazy. It late, I'm tired. It was a huge day today.

I breath in and the out. Trying to calm down. I wish I was still this sure of what happened.

As I take another breath someone grabs me from behind. Placing a cloth over my mouth, I smell a horrible sent. I struggle a bit until I realize what that smell was. I knew that was a big mistake, I smelt the sting of the chloroform as it traveled into my lungs.

I opened my eyes shocked and kicked them in the groin. They let go and I ran for it. But I only got to the end of the block. The air blew me one way as I began to sway. Stuff began to get horribly blurry. I turned an there a blurry blue headed figure was standing in front of me. I fall, they caught me. I struggled a little with the rest of my strength but soon fell into a deep sleep I wish I never had.

//Time Skip!//

I woke up in immense pain. My chest and head hurt viciously. I went to rub my eye but my hand was tugged back. Chains? I shook my head trying to get my vision back. How long was I out? There am I?

Finally it started to came back and I took a look around. I was in a room. The room wasn't light but had a candle on a desk by the bed. It looked like a rustic cabin. Wooden walls and pictures I couldn't make out hung in the walls. The bed I was laying on had white sheets and pillows but a red blanket. The blanket was fuzzy but felt old and warn out. The pillows were very fluffy but smelted like old cardboard.

The room was an okay size. It wasn't to small but not to big. It was very cozy and warm, if I wasn't so disoriented. I could feel a breeze come from the door. Only one of my hands were chained to the bed frame so when I sat up and took a better look around I could feel the old strain of the metal. I then seen a window. Their were curtains, grey. However it was dark outside. I could only lightly see the naked trees blowing lightly outside. I shivered just thinking about last night. Oh yah... last night. I then realized I wasn't freaking out about being kidnapped. Panic floods through my body when that thought zipped through my brain.

Then a knock on the door send a chill up my spin. My eye stare intently at the door. I have to think quickly. I laid back down so I could pretend to sleep. I don't know anything about this person. I closed my eyes and they came into the room.

"Still asleep" it was a man and he chuckled. "Sweet dreams, hope you wake soon to start the games" he laughed lightly before I heard the click of the door shut.

His foot steps getting quieter and quieter until no more were heard. I opened my eyes and held my knees to my chest. Then began to cry. I didn't know what was happening and frankly I didn't even want to know. I want home but homes no where to be seen. I just keep wishing this to be one big dream or nightmare. I wake up to mother shacking me. Yelling at me that I'm late for school or something. I don't want to be here. Then the door opened again. I looked up to see... the guy... f-from the store. I breathed heavily as he walked up to me. Tears streaming down my face.

"Why the tears?" He asked

I didn't answer. I just shut my eyes an began to say in my head 'I want to go home' over and over until I heard my voice utter those words. It slipped out.

"I want to go home" in a whispering voice.

"But this is your home now" he told me. "You should be happy" he insisted

I just cried harder. I rested my head in my knees begining to sob. He took his hand and gracefully lifted my head. He smiled sweetly. "I hope tomorrow you'll be more happy. I'd hate for a bad man to came pay you a visit." Then he stared blankly at my face. "Love you (Y/n)." He let go off me and I began to shake in fear. Clutching my knees harder m, he nodded before leaving.

Then stream of tears suddenly stopped and fear took over me. The bad man? Who's that!? I don't even want to know! I laid back and looked up at the wooden ceiling as the tears started again. Fear and sadness running laps in my veins. I didn't make a sound though. I just laid there silently. Waiting for this nightmare to end. To wake up in my nice warm bed. To eat moms pancakes and have my cat try to steal them like always. Oh how I miss home. I want to go home! Home! Home. Home...

(Okay first chapter! This was early because I got to 50 followers! Yaaaaaaaaay! I'm so happy! Thanks to all of you! Slap that star button right in the face with your foot to become a fellow comrade and if your as happy as me about 50! Love you guys!)

Kidnapped By Mr.Blue Boy (CrankGameplays x Reader)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant