Chapter 6

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**Morgan POV**
"GET OFF YOUR DA*N PHONE!" My dad yelled at me making sissy flinch. I just rolled my eyes at his comment and turned around. He grabbed my arm and pulled me out of my comfy bed.
"What did you just do?" He spit at me. I can tell I messed up. But it's nothing new. I gave him the plainest face. "I rolled my eyes at you. What else would've I've done?" I said back. His grip tightened on my arm.
It started to hurt. Defiantly going to leave a bruise. He threw me on the ground. Sissy screamed. "It's okay," I mouthed at her, her little eyes were filled with tears. He kicked my stomach I hissed in pain.
Again. This is nothing new. It's been worse. I was just waiting until it was over. "You ungrateful little b*tch!" He screamed kicking my stomach again. He stomped out of the room and slammed the door making our family photo fall off the wall.
I rolled onto my back and rubbed my stomach where the pain was. I finally got enough strength to stand back up and walk over to my closet. I grabbed a bag and some clothes. I handed sissy a little bag for her.
"What are we doing?" "We are going to stay at bryces for a few days." I said. "Okay," she said cheerful and started packing. I pulled out my phone and texted Bryce.
M- "hey dads home and he just kicked the living crap outta me, can we stay with you?"

B- "yeah sure thing, stay as long as you want,"

M- "thank you so much...."

B- "no problem, always here for you two,"

We packed our bags for a total for 4 days. Some days dad won't be home, some days he will. I grabbed our book bags and placed them in the back of the truck. I opened the door for sissy.
"Where are you two little sh*ts going?" He said. "Somewhere actually wanted." I spit back. I slammed the door shut and walked over to the truck. I helped sissy into it and I walked over and up into the drivers seat.
We drove to bryces house. Sissy had fallen asleep on the way there. Bryce opened the door up and ran up to us and hugged me and took our bags up into his room. His room has a pull out couch that sissy and I sleep on. Sometimes I sleep next to Bryce if I have night mares.
We are very thankful for him. His mom used to work with my mom. His mom died of cancer two years ago. So he loves her with his dad. But his dad never comes home. But pays for everything still.
I laid sissy on the couch and placed our bags off the side. I climbed into the bed with Bryce and faced him. "Seriously thank you, we are very lucky," I said smiling.
He kissed my forehead. This is new... "you've had a long night, just try and sleep," he said wrapping his arms around me pulling me closer. This is something very new. He's never done this. "Goodnight Bryce..." I said closing my eyes.
I was falling asleep until I heard him say this.

"I love you Morgan..."


I woke up super early the next morning before school would start. Like 5 am early. I climbed out of bryces arms and headed to the house. I forgot my science binder.
I had quickly ran inside to grab it. I opened the door again to be scared out of my mind. "Oh my god! Who are you!" I whispered screamed. "Hi, I'm Jonas, your brother." "Brother?" "Yes, your dad is my dad but we have a different mom, so technically half brother,"
"Come with me," I said shaking my head. He followed me into the truck with his bags. We headed back to bryces. I shook him awake, "Bryce! Get up! You need to see this!" I whispered in his ear. He woke up instantly and followed me outside.
"Who is this?" He asked sleepily. God he was so adorable when he wakes up. His hair is a mess, like ahhhh!!! Okay Morgan stop. I told myself.
"Hi I'm Jonas, I'm Morgans and Lexis half brother." Bryces mouth dropped. Yeah me too Bryce..

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