Chapter 4

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   He was still here, at 7:45 pm. Mikey was still sitting in that booth watching me wait tables for the few ever lasting customers for the night. If I looked his way, he would send me a toothy smile. A very beautiful- wait, woah, beautiful? Snap out of it Morgan. The door opened and Lexi walked inside dragging Bryce behind her.
    "Bryecie!! I see sissy!" her voiced filled the diner. She ran towards me and I picked her up and gave her a huge hug. Bryce came up and gave me a hug. Which I returned gracefully. "She forced me to come and see you.." Bryce said with a chuckle. I laughed at his comment. Bryce turned his head towards Mikey. "Ayeee! Mikey! What up man!" Bryce said walking over to Mikey. It was 8:00 I flipped the sign from 'open' to 'closed'.
    Bryce and Mikey were talking and sissy was helping Austin clean the left over dishes. I hung up my apron and put the extra straws, notepad, napkins, and pens back in the drawer. "Sissy! Time to go home!" "Is daddy gonna be there?" she said sticking her head out of the back. "I don't know baby, if he is you can stay either with me or Bryce, okay?" I said.
    "Okay!" she said wiping her little hands off. I looked over to Bryce to see the worry in his eyes but quickly snapped out of it when I gave him a small smile. Lets just hope Mikey didn't hear what sissy said, and hope dad isn't home..


*Mikey's POV*
What did her sister mean by "is daddy gonna be home?" I've known Bryce ever since I moved here which was a few months ago and I believe he would tell me if I asked. Right? 
      "Hey Bryce, what did her little sister mean by "is daddy gonna be home?"" I asked. "That's not my story to tell..." Bryce said. I looked up at him. He was looking at the two girls standing a few feet away from us. With happiness, concern, love, but mainly, sadness.
     I watched as Morgan picked up her little sister and place her on her hip. Her shirt kinda pulled up a little and I saw a huge scar on her back. My small smile dropped at the sight. It made me feel sick to my stomach that she had it.
     I got up and walked over to her. "Your shirt is kinda pulled up....and I saw you had a scar....are you okay?" I asked looking into her blue eyes. "Bryce, can you take sissy out to the truck?" She asked handing her sister off to Bryce.
      He nodded his head and took sissy out of the restaurant. I turned my head towards her. She was already looking at me. "Our father abuses us. Well mainly me because I won't let him touch her. But you can't tell anyone. As soon as I get more money we can move out and move Into Bryce's apartment/house." She said looking into my eyes.
    I pulled her into a hug. I whispered in her ear "I'm always here for you..". "Thank you," she whispered back, giving into our hug. We stood there for what felt like forever but was only 10 seconds.
     She pulled away and wrote something down on a piece of paper. She placed it in my hand and closed my hand. She kissed my cheek and walked out of the diner. I smiled at the gesture but wondered what was in my hand.
     I opened it and it said
"Thank you for the hug ❤️ text me sometime, 17574312557," ((A.N. NOT a real number I made it up!!!))
      I smiled and pushed the paper into my pocket and walked out of the diner into my car. Waiting for tomorrow to see her in math class tomorrow morning. I haven't felt this way in a while. Not after her....

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