Chapter one

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*beep beep beep beep*
            My alarm clock went off at it's normal time for school. I sighed and turned over to my night stand and cutting it off. "Alexis, time to wake up..." I said softly in my 6 year old sisters ear. "Do we have to go to school?" She mumbled in her sleep. "Yes now come on, I'll drive you," "alrighty,"
        I got up and hoped in the shower. I quickly took one since I had to help my sister get ready.   I had grabbed a gray v-neck tee shirt, dark jeans, and my high tops. I blow dried my hair and quickly pulled some pieces back since my hair is naturally straight.
     I apply a little bit of makeup. If dad knew I was wearing a ton of makeup to school he would kill me. Our dad hasn't been the same since our mom died on our first family vacation. I was 15 while Lexi was 3. Yeah I'm only 18 years old.
      I help her pick out a pink sweater with a white shirt underneath it, blue jeans and some boots. I pull her hair up into a small bun. She thanks me and we walk down the stairs. She grabs my hand when she heard the sound of our father opening a beer.
       I tightly grasp her hand and walk down some more. "Why are you two still living here?" My dad spits at us taking a swing of beer. I ignore his comment and turn to grab my keys and wallet. Lexi grabs her book bag and stands by the door way wanting to leave.
      "Heading to school, and also I have a night shift tonight," I say to my dad walking towards her. "Yeah I don't give a fûck, get the hell out both of you," he says laughing to himself and hobbles over to the couch.
       I pick Lexi up in my arms and quickly walk out of the house and into the truck. I help her put her seatbelt on and hop into the drivers seat. I start it up and head off the school. "What song do you wanna listen to baby girl?" I said reaching for the radio.
    "I wanna listen toooooooo Tomas Rhett!" She said. I chuckled. She still can't pronounce Thomas. I plug my phone in and start playing "Make me Wanna," and she starts to sing along as do I.

    "Windows down, country sound, FM on the radio, just me and you and the man on the moon cruising down old back roadddd,"
     She holds out the extended word. It's so cute. She looks a lot like me. Someone mistaken me as her mom once and I thought it was cool. We arrived to her elementary school. A teacher lets her stay in her class until her school starts since my high school starts early.
      I help her out of the truck. Paisley Queen is the teacher that lets her stay in her classroom, she opens her door when she sees us pull up. "Mrs. Queen! Guess what!" Lexi says to her excitedly. "How about you tell me in a moment baby girl, I gotta talk to your sister for a second, say goodbye," Mrs. Queen said.
     She was best friends with my mom. When she died and dad stopped taking us to school she was there for us. She always took us to and from school and helped me get a job at the diner down the road from the school.
     "Bye bye sissy!" Lexi says hugging me. I kiss her little head and watch her little figure fade away into the room. "It's really good that you can do all this, and I got news from the lawyer," she starts. "What's the news?" I said checking the time really quick. I had 15 mins.
     "The money from your moms death is split. She gave some to your dad, and some to you. The only part of it is she put it into your collage found. And since you graduate this year you'll have to go to collage. Which leaves your little sis," she says.
     "I'll do it online," I said quickly. "Hun I'm willing to let her stay with me, all you need to is say she can stay with me since your dad gave custody to you. I'm not adopting her, it's like fostering but not really the last part. You've worked hard and after you decide on what you wanna do, you can home school her and work on your future job." She said.
     I nodded my head in understanding what she said. Pretty self explanatory. Mrs. Queen gave me a hug and a kiss on the head goodbye as I started to leave for school. Which was a good 8 mins down the road from the elementary school. I started up my truck and pulled out of the parking lot.
     Of to hell I go! I said to myself. I put on moms and I song. "I don't dance," by Lee Bryce. I hum along with the tune as I turn onto the road to my school.

-------------------------------------------------------hiiii again! If you didn't read "my brother is in a band" I highly suggest you do! It has nothing to do with this but I think it's alright for my first book!!!! It probably sucked but that's okay :) enjoy!

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