3 bracelets

36 3 1


It was wrong. Everything we were doing. Everything we did.
We shouldn't have acted like nothing was going to happen.
Like everything was okay.
Nothing was okay.
Grayson wasn't okay.
I wasn't okay.
But no, he said forget about everything. Just live the moment.

But how could have I lived a moment that was soon going to be over?
How was I going to live knowing that he wouldn't be able to move on?
How was I going to keep acting like everything was just fine when the truth is in less then three days I wouldn't be there to kiss him goodnight.
I wouldn't be there to make him breakfast or tell him how amazing he is.
Or tell him how he changed mine and thousands of people's lives.
How he was the reason I moved on from my past.
How he was my lifeline.

"Ready for your 3rd surprise?"
"Gray why are you doing this?"
"Doing what?"
"This!" I said pointing at us. "Acting like everything is okay when it's not?" I started crying.
"Acting like I won't be dead in less than a week. Acting like our life is normal..." I was sobbing.
"Baby no...just stop...please"
"Stop what Grayson? Telling the truth? Telling you what you should hear instead of what you want to hear?"
"Come one baby" he said holding me so close to his chest that his heart was pounding on my cheek.
"Just forget it. Nothing will happen. I won't let anything happen to you. Never."
"But you can't help it. I'm hopeless"
"You're not" I could feel his tears falling down his cheeks right to my hair.

"Don't cry" I instantly said.
"I never want you to cry. You hear me?"

"So what about my 3rd surprise" I smiled.
"Yes of course!"
"Let's go"
We arrived to a fountain that I instantly recognized.
"The Trevi fountain!" I screamed.
"Gray did you know the practice of throwing coins in to the Trevi Fountain comes from a couple of legends that explains why so many people are so keen on coin throwing"
"Really? What are the legends?"
"The first is that the throwing of a coin from the right hand over the left shoulder will ensure that you will return to Rome in the future
The second legend was the inspiration behind the film 'Three Coins in the Trevi Fountain'.This legend claims that you should throw three coins into the fountain. The first coin guarantees your return to Rome, the second will ensure a new romance, and the third will ensure marriage"

"Marriage" he whispered. "Well I guess it's the second legend that I want to believe in"
I smiled.
"Three coins it is then"
He held my hand and took out three coins.
"One for Rome" he whispered in my ears.
"One for romance" he kissed my neck.
"One for marriage" he held my hand.

I wish there was one for life.

"Do you think it's true?" I asked. " the legends I mean?"
"I don't know. But what I do know is that what we have is true" he said pointing at the two of us.
"The love that we have for eachother. This love can beat anything"
"You think so?"
"I know so"
We sat on the edge of the fountain until it was dark. All of the tourist were already gone. It was just us and the night.

"Can you hear that?" He asked.
"Hear what?"
I listened more carefully and there was music coming from the distance.
"I can hear it"
I didn't know what song it was but it was slow and romantic.
"May I have this dance" he said getting up and offering me his hand.
"You may"
We spent the night dancing to the rhythm of a song we didn't know.
But our souls where so taken away by it. Just as our bodies were.

2 more bracelets. 2 more days.

Until next chapter!

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