"Abhi she is here" he shouted, scooping up her in his arms and racing to their room.

"Wake up Nandini" he tapped her cheeks lightly. "Come on damn it, wake the fuck up" he knew his anger was pointless, but seeing her like this was making him crazy.

"Manik" Abhi suddenly appeared by the door, looking much more paler than he is. "They are back. It's them"

Manik looked at Nandini, then at Abhi.

"He is going to pay for this. Brother or not, he is going to curse the day he was born" Manik promised Nandini and himself.

"Manik I know you want the revenge, but right now we have to leave. The more she stays here, more danger she is in. We have to leave as soon as possible" Abhi explained as he started to collect all the important things into a duffle bag.

"But Abhi" Manik's attention was brought back to Nandini who stirred.

Manik sighed "You are right, I shouldn't let the anger control me now" he looked back at Nandini who was starting to slowly open her eyes. "I  know what to do".

"Manik" he looked at the angelic face of her. "Don't do anything stupid." He couldn't stop the smile that graced his lips. She knew him too well.

"Guys I know you like to be all mushy mushy everytime. But I don't want to see your koochi-koochiku right now" Abhi made a disgusting face.

"Have all the fun now, once you have a girlfriend it'll be my turn to make fun of you" Manik smirked.

"Whatever. Right now let's go" Abhi threw a cushion at Manik's face, who easily dodged it.

"Bad aim, bro" Manik shouted as Abhi left the room grumbling about being the third wheel.


"So you don't remember anything?" Abhi asked cautiously. Abhi, definitely, knew Manik's anger and he didn't want to wake the sleeping beast.

"I remember us moving after that attack on Nandini at your place. After that everything is a bit blurred. Manik rubbed his forehead, frustrated.

"Don't worry Manik, it'll be fine" she was some what relieved that he didn't remember how he was turned and what circumstances led to that. Not that she won't tell him, but right now she was content with him not knowing. But her happiness was short-lived as he asked the next question.

"What happened to me?" He looked at Abhi and then to Nandini.

"You are a complete vampire now Manik" Abhi informed Manik. Nandini knew it was for good if Manik knew the truth as fast as possible, bit some small, teeny-weeny part of her wanted to whisk him away from everything that was happening.

"Wow" Manik reaction brought her back from her thoughts.

"Wow?" Nandini asked incredulously. He was certainly crazy.

"Yeah, obviously." He replied like it was the most obvious thing in the world.

"I am not saying anything" she motioned zipping her mouth.

"Now that's mature" Both Abhi and Manik said it together, then bursting into laughter.

"Laugh... It won't stay for long" she mumbled and that actually caught Manik's attention.

"What do you mean Nandini?" His question caught her off guard. She didn't wanted him to hear that.

"Nothing" she acted like nothing happened but knew there was no escaping. "I just didn't want you to recall how you changed and what circumstances led into that" she whispered dejectedly. And even Abhi's face turn gloomy.

"Why not?" He asked, confusion written all over his face.

"Because she is the one who turned you" Abhi didn't hesitate to come out with the truth. " She made you a complete vampire, Manik" and that definitely left Manik's mouth hanging.


Hellllllooooo my lovelies!! Back to back update. And that too a longer one (compared to other parts of course😉).

So tell me in the comments what you thought about the update and if it increased your confusions or provided some missing links.

And thank you for all those who voted for my updates and commented. And a special thanks to those who both voted and commented. And for those silent readers, do let me know what you think about my updates and any suggestions you have.

Love you guys!!!

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