You Can't Have Me Anymore Chapter 23

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Alex’s POV

“FI!!!!” I yelled, even though I know that no one could hear me in my car. {ALPHA!!!! GET SOME BACK UP AND GO TO THE CLEARING IN THE FOREST WHERE ME AND THE BOYS FIRST FOUND FELICITY!!! I THINK THERE’S AN ATTACK!!!!} I shouted through the mind link. [I TOLD YOU SO!!! NOW LOOK WHAT YOU’VE DONE!!!] My wolf growled at me, his anger and worry could be easily detected over a few miles. I ignored him, the one thing on my mind was finding Fi.

I sped all the way to the forest, breaking my own speeding record. I reached the parked outside the forest, sprinting into the foliage. When I arrived at the clearing, the while pack was already there, looking panicky. Uh oh. Something bad has happened. Please let Fi be there, please— “I am so sorry, but I’m afraid that something has happened to Fi. The pieces of cloth on the ground are from her clothes, and large amount of blood is spilt on the trees and everything. Her scent was lost at the river bank, and as far as I can tell is that she was heavily outnumbered and injured badly,” Alpha Blake looked at me with sadness and regret. “WHAT?! No, no, this can’t be happening. You must be wrong. The pieces of cloth belong to someone else, not Fi! You all must be wrong. The blood is another animal’s. No. No.” “I’m sorry, but it is. It is her blood. She is in trouble,” Alpha Blake tried reasoning with me.

I sank to my knees on the forest floor, feeling hate, anger, disgust and guilt, all directed at me. If I had gone to meet her, she wouldn’t get abducted. If I didn’t ignore her, she wouldn’t have to come out here so late at night to wait for me. It’s all my fault. ALL MY FAULT.

“STOP IT!!!! ALEXANDER COLE ST. CLAIR, STOP TRYING TO ACT LIKE A SISSY AND BE IN DENIAL!!!! YOU ARE A BETA, AND A BETA’S DUTY IS TO REMAIN STRONG FOR THE PACK AND ASSISST THE ALPHA!!! It is NOT your fault, and if it’s anybody’s, it’s the ass holes who kidnapped Felicity. I know how you feel; I treat her like my own daughter. But we can’t do anything if we are all wallowing in self-pity, so snap the eff out of it and do what you’re supposed to do—find Felicity!”

I’ve never heard Alpha Blake this pissed off before. Felicity must mean a whole lot to him. “I’ll do my best, Alpha, but no promise that I’ll keep myself controlled when we find them,” I spoke as calmly as I could, though you could feel my rage at a far distance. But then it was quickly replace by determination. No one, I mean no one, can stop me from saving her, even if it meant using ways that are far from being understandable.

Felicity’s POV (Before the attack)

{Alex, please meet me where we first met. I’ve got something important to tell you} I whispered in his head, hoping for a reply, but it never came. I’ll just wait for him then, I’m sure he would turn up. I walked into the forest slowly, taking my time and memorising every detail. I remembered those times when Alex and I would run around playing a fool, chasing each other…I was so lost in my thoughts that I didn’t notice the unfamiliar scents around me.

When I reached the clearing, it was too late. Wolves from all sides closed in on me, surrounding me. They stood in a circle, not making a single move. I sniffed the air, eyes widening in horror. Werewolves. I’m surrounded by a bunch of not-so-friendly-looking werewolves.

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