You Can't Have Me Anymore Chapter 15

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Heya! This is the PG 13 version. Read the R rated one on my profile if you want. ;)

That’s Alex on the side --------->

Felicity’s POV

3 months later

A lot had happened in this past few months. Alpha Blake was not angry with me and Alex anymore. We have another addition to the pack. Alpha Blake has a son! They named him Sebastian. We all just settled to calling him Seb since his name was a mouthful. He’s sooo cute! He has Alpha Blake’s black hair but Sandra’s light jade green eyes. He has pale skin and his cheeks were pink. He’s one month now but looks like he is 3 months old. Werewolf babies grow fast.  And finally, I learned how to fight properly. We have not told Alpha Blake yet, since we plan to defeat one of the fighters in the fighting ring then tell him.

Everybody is at the living room now. Not long ago Alpha Blake had called for a pack meeting. We had to round up the people since they were all over the place. Let me tell you, that was the first and the last time doing that kind of thing. It was so embarrassing! I walked in on Peter having SOMETHING with one of the girls in our pack and let me tell you the awkwardness did not even help the situation. Not only that, I tried every single way possible to erase that mental picture in my head (even using soap to wash my eyes. good thing Alex stooped me in time) but it still can’t get out. Alex laughed at me and tried dodging my attacks to no avail. Piece of cow dung. His whole face is red for holding in his laughter. If Alpha Blake allows me, I would have taken the kitchen knife and chop him up to feed the rouges or hang him by the balls until they turn purple and shrivel up or maybe use his balls to make fishball soup. Hey! That’s a good idea!

Laughter brought me out of my very nice daydream. I saw everyone laughing on the floor, including Alpha Blake. I could tell that they were laughing because of a different reason, unlike Alex, who is still laughing about my encounter with Peter.

I looked at them, confused. What so funny? Then I was hit with a thought. “You guys get out of my head!” I yelled, blushing furiously as they read my not so decent thoughts. Ashley was the first one to calm down. “Well, we’re sorry for invading your privacy, but you spaced out and no matter how much we called you you didn’t respond. And Alex was laughing his ass off, so we decided to read your mind to see what was going on. But we never expected to see all that stuff.” Ashley told me, breaking out into another fit of laughter.

“What stuff?” Alex asked, sobering up immediately. I then could feel something prodding my mind. That means someone is trying to read it. I immediately put on a wall of white noise, making Alex wince and the others laugh harder. “Nothing that is needed of your concern, Mr St. Clair.” I replied curtly.

“Anyway Felicity, next time if you decide to make fishball soup, please serve it to Alex only, we don’t need it.” This was from Darren, and his twin David hi-fived him. I growled at him and narrowed my eyes. “When I do make that soup, I’ll make sure the ingredients would be from you.”

“ENOUGH PEOPLE!” Alpha Blake shouted. Seems like he had gotten his laughter under control. Everybody stopped laughing after that, or rather, tried to. “We will be going back to Minnesota soon, in about 2 weeks’ time. Since there has been rouge attacks going on about, we will need to help different packs to fight them off being the top pack in history. We must help the weaker packs first then move on to the ones that need our help. This way, the rouges will be scared of us and might not attack any of the packs anymore. So I hope that you people have already all learnt how to fight and defend yourself. Or better yet, mated so that your powers can be put to good use.”

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