You Can't Have Me Anymore Chapter 19

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This chapter is dedicated to knnguyen!!! Song on the side is B-E-A Utiful by Megan Nicole. She's a good singer! Pic on the side is Felicity's wolf. I thought the resemblence is closer, just imagine that her paws are black! :D


Felicity's POV
"Promise if I tell you, you won't be angry with me?"
We were now in my room,  with me trying to get Alex to start talking. "Okay okay FINE. Stop acting like a naggy old lady!" I snapped.
He glared at me and took a deep breath, exhaling in defeat. "I can't do this!" he whined. "JUST EFFIN TELL ME ALREADY!!!" I growled.
"Uhhh...IthinkShelbyismymate," he said it all in one breath. Thank god for my werewolf hearing, if not I would not be able to hear the atrocious and unbelievable thing he said.
"WHAT?! COME AGAIN?!" I yelled, my eyes going big. "You promised! You promised not to be mad at me!!! You promised!" Alex was cowering in the corner of my room, looking scared out of his wits.
I closed my eyes, pinching the bridge of my nose. "What are you going to do about it?" I asked, my eyes still tightly shut. "I don't know. Maybe I might reject her," I heard Alex mumble with great reluctance.
I snapped my eyes open. "NO!!! Don't ever do that," I growled. "I may hate her, but being rejected by you soul mate, the one that is made for you, is much worse than the hatred I feel for her. Try to talk things out; of the problem lies with me, I actually don't mind her being my relative if she doesn't bitch about me. Since Nicholas is near and the mate bond is only broken one way, so I can still feel him though he can't feel me, and I can feel that Shelby is not near him. You'd better run if you want to catch her, coz she might be with Nicholas soon."
Alex looked at me in awe and confusion. "Stop looking at me like that and go find your mate!" I yelled at him. That seemed to have broken him out of his reverie as he quickly darted out of my door. Just as I was about to shut it, I felt him stop me. "Thank you, Fi," I heard him say. "No probs, dude!" I called out to his retreating figure.
Alex's POV
I bounded down the stairs, almost bumping into someone. "Hey! Watch where you're going!" I heard that person yell. I looked up into dark brown-almost black- eyes behind blue contact lenses. The overpowering stench of cheap perfume filled my nostrils, though I could still smell the faint scent of lavender underneath the smelly perfume.
"Oh it's you. I was just looking for you. Follow me," Shelby spoke in a snobbish tone. I frowned, following her with an uneasy feeling at the pit of my stomach.
When we reached a rather secluded area of the forest, she turned around to face me. Before I could say anything, she started talking. "I, Shelby Fisher, officially reject you as my mate." I stared at her in shock. She...REJECTED...ME...AS HER MATE?! "But-" "Looks like you didn't get the message huh? I said, I REJECT YOU AS MY MATE!" Shelby's eyes were devoid of all emotion, only impatience showed. No traces of remorse, regret.
I was hoping, at that moment, that a smile would break out on her face and she would come and hug me, saying it is all a joke. I hoped that she would say that she would break up with Nicholas and be with me. I hoped that she would do anything, ANYTHING, but reject me as her mate and turn and walk away from my life.
"Why?" I asked myself. I saw her stop walking and turn around to face me. She must have heard. "Why?! You dare ask why?! Looks at yourself first, Alexander. You are such a coward! At the stairs, when you bumped into me, did you utter a single word? Did you even defend yourself? And you are only a poor measly beta. Look at what Nicholas is. He is an ALPHA. He has more power than you, so now you know why I reject you as my mate? Useless." With that, she disappeared into the foliage.
The further she went, the stronger the pain in my heart grew. I fell onto my knees, shifting to my blondish brown wolf. I let out a howl, one filled with agony and pain. I couldn't stop the plaintive whine that spilled from my throat as I crumpled onto the forest floor.
Felicity's POV
I was sitting on my bed doing nothing in particular when I heard a howl. The howl that I have gotten to know so well. I call it The Rejection Howl. And I recognize it as Alex's.

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