Chapter 13

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Person looking through window

Violet Pov

I woke up it was still night time I looked over to the window and saw a shadow through the window I got up just as I heard something hit the ground I grabbed my gun and ran down the stairs and out the door but when I got outside I didn't find anything out of the usual or any person spying.

I sighed and got back upstairs I checked the time it was 1 am well I can't go back to sleep anyway so I decided to hack the FBI maybe I can find something about Mike.

It took about 10 minutes to hack in when I finally got in I searched his name and his file popped up I mentally cheered and clicked on his file what I saw didn't exactly surprise me Mike had a list of criminal records for stealing, trafficking drugs , child abuse, kidnapping, sexual abuse, rape and much more he is such a bastard.

I continued to search, maybe I could find an address or something but I highly doubt it.My stomach growled so I went downstairs to grab something to eat I grabbed the pretzels that were in the bottom cupboard and emptied the packet in a glass bowl I walked to the stairs nibbling on a pretzel I heard something shatter upstairs I dropped my bowl and it smashed to the floor I ran upstairs grabbed the gun that was in the hallway drawer I heard movement in my room I opened it slowly still holding the gun up I flicked on the lights just as everyone came to see what happened.

I headed over to the broken window I'm guessing the person who came in here was the same one that was looking through the window I looked over to my bedside table and saw the picture of me the guys ,Cindy and Justin took a while ago, we took it while having one of our movie nights.

I looked over at the guys and saw them looking at my laptop with tears in their eyes and Grey looked like he was going to have a panic attack I went next to them and saw a video playing of when I was back at the cell abused by Mike I flinched when Mike came in the video when the video ended of Mike hitting me with a whip he came in the video standing in front of a dirty wall "Miss me princess I'm coming for you just wait" I cried in Cherry's arm while she did her best to comfort me I looked back over at my laptop and quickly stopped it noticing something behind him it was the word 'hope' carved in the wall Grey carved it around the time he first came in and said that we needed to have hope to get out.

I looked at Grey he knew what I was thinking because he smirked at me "everyone get some sleep tonight we are going after Mike it's time to end is" they nodded and cheered I looked at everyone and noticed Ethan a little to quite "Ethan you okay?" I asked he simply nodded and headed to his room like everyone else I got in bed and after 30 minutes of turned and twisting I got up I went to get Beast from his doggy room we made a room for them to sleep in it also blocks sound from outside, it's doggy proof and nobody can get in or out except us with a finger scanner and the dogs can get in and out because​ on either side of the door we have a laser to open the doggy door when the dogs want to get out and also the laser is doggy proof we just want the best for our babies.

When I got past Ethan's door I heard light whispering but I chose to ignore it even though a voice in the back of my head told me that I shouldn't. I just kept walking past the door and went to Beast's and Luna's room I scanned my finger and got in trying not to make any noise the dogs were sleeping beside each other I awed and set the alarm to 8 hours from now incase I fall asleep.

I arranged there toys for a little bit a few hours from know it's going to be either Mike or us only one of us is going to survive this I just hope it's my family and also a few hours from now we're going to find out who has been  betraying our family.

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