Chapter 9

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Cindy and Hudson ☝☝☝

Violet Pov

"Do we have to go to school today?" I asked Xavier "Yeah come on if you go I'll buy all of you food at lunch" he said "You don't go to school with us" "Me and Colton will come by at lunch and bring you food" I smiled and hugged him "Now go or you guys are going to be late" we nodded and left for school we arrived just as the late  bell rang we ran to class and got in before the teacher could close the door he gave us a stern look but we just shrugged and went to sit in the back.

After History we had lunch so we went to the cafeteria Xavier and Colton were already sitting at a table with 2 bags of food in front of​ them.I ran and Xavier opened his​ arms but I jumped in Colton's arms instead he looked at me with a pretend hurt look I stuck my tongue out and he laughed along with the others.We sat down by the table with Justin and Hudson sitting and eating with us.

Both Justin and Hudson fit perfectly with the group and we even started to trust Hudson a bit more but weren't ready to tell him yet about our past but we did tell him about us being underground fighters and he took it well he even said that his brother used to work their before he quit because he got married.

"Remember that right after lunch we have to head to the club because Cher has a fight" I said making sure no one heard "Are you coming with us?" I asked Justin and Hudson they nodded and continued devouring their burger.

"Justin baby" Chelsea said she sat on his lap I looked down "Why did you left me for this worthless slut baby" she said in a whining voice I heard a bang and saw Xavier standing up looking angry as hell "You don't talk to her like that you little bitch" he growled "Yeah you're the one that's worthless" Ethan said we all looked at him shocked "What I'll do anything for my family" he said we smiled at him and turned back to Chelsea "At least she doesn't open her legs at anything that has a dick" Justin said as he pushed her off of him.

"Who needs you I have guys falling at my feet" Chelsea said "Oh please if laughter was the best medicine, your face must be curing the world" Cher said laughing, everyone was looking at us watching as we bicker back and forth "At least I get laid" she said "Honey the only way you'll ever get laid is if you'll crawl up a chicken's ass and wait" I said the whole cafeteria busted out laughing and she stomped her foot storming out.

"Come on it's time to go" Grey said we nodded and left in our cars we arrived and we put on our masks which are bandanas around our mouths."Is there a nutella donut left" we nodded and handed her two nutella donuts.

We got in the club and everyone looked over at us "I'm going to start my shift" Ethan said we nodded and he went behind the bar we went after him so we could put our school bags behind the bar Cher put down the donut that she didn't already ate on the bar counter while so she could put her and Grey's bag next to mine and Ethan's.

"Where's my donut" she said looking at the empty spot on the counter she looked over at the club and saw a girl with a cat eye mask about to bite into her donut she ran over to her grabbed the donut from her hand and punched her in the face I laughed when Cher bit into the donut after whispering mine I saw the girl getting up and about to hit Cher but I grabbed her hand and twisted it behind her back "Touch her and you won't wake up to see the sun tomorrow" "Violet she said in a whisper I jammed my knee in the middle of her back she screamed and fell to the floor I grabbed my gun "Who the hell are you?" I asked "Cindy" I lowered my gun "Up next we have Blood and you know her you love her you fear her SHADOW" I looked at her and headed up the ring they all cheered for me and the fight began he punched but I ducked and threw an uppercut wrist strike and while he was distracted I did a snapping front and he fell to the floor and by the cheering I guess the fights over.

I went down the ring to meet with Cindy she was my childhood best friend but she moved when we were eleven because her parents divorced and she went with her dad and brother.

I nodded​ to the door and Cher nodded I went out the door and waited for them to come out "I missed you" she said hugging me "I missed you too" her phone rang "Hey dad.... Yeah I'll be right there....Okay love you too bye" she hung up "I have to get home but maybe we could catch up sometimes I nodded and we exchanged numbers she hugged me and left on her bike."Who was that?" Cher said "she was my childhood friend" they nodded and we went home since Ethan's shift was over.

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