5. They Stole Our Missile

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All right, so this chapter is somewhat loosely based on MCR's music video for "Na Na Na", which can be found on the side if you haven't seen it before. Thanks for reading, guys!

"Love, gimme love, gimme love. I don't need it, but I'll take what I want from your heart and I'll keep it in a bag, in a box. Put an X on the floor. Gimme more, gimme more, gimme more." --- Na Na Na


They Stole Our Missile

It's still dark out when someone's voice wakes me up, along with a set of footsteps. I snap open both my eyes. Party's arm is still over my hips, but I've been pulled a lot closer. Every time he exhales, I can feel his breath on my cheeks. My nose is touching his, and my lips are just about there as well. I wasn't able to forget about our close proximity as I fell asleep, and now the feeling in my stomach is stronger than before.

"Party. Wake up."

I pretend like I'm shifting in my sleeping bag and throw my arm over my head so my open eyes aren't as easy to see. If it was morning, then it would be blatantly obvious. But it's not, so it isn't.

A black boot nudges Party in the shoulder, "Hey. Party, wake up."

Party groans a little and turns his head toward the person speaking, still keeping his arm firmly around me. He blinks his eyes slowly and makes a sleepy face, which honestly looks ridiculously adorable. "What is it?" he mumbles.

The person squats down. I can't see their face in the darkness, but I see a flash of white teeth as they smile. "Dude, I thought I told you to keep your hands off my girlfriend?" It's Fun Ghoul. Nobody other than he and Party would say something like that, and the latter is currently clutching onto me like I'm a teddy bear. Ghoul must be on watch now.

Party snorts. "Your girlfriend? Who's the one snuggling with her?"

I want to laugh, partly because of the argument they're involved in, but mostly because Party just said "snuggling". I can't, though; they'd find out I'm listening in on their conversation. Ghoul chuckles for me. "That's true. I think she likes you more anyway." He pauses for a moment, and then, in an authoritative voice, adds, "I give your relationship my blessing. Hurt her and I will kill you."

Party laughs and tightens his hold on my waist. "I appreciate that, Ghoul. Thank you. But I think that's really up to her, don't you think?"

"She looks pretty okay with it right now."

I feel my cheeks heat up. Why, why, why did I let Party do this? That's right, because I'm a girl who's never had someone look at her like the way Party does when he looks at me and just wanted to feel loved for even a night. I bite my lip. Do I want Party to like me the way I like him? Now probably isn't the time to be pondering this as my face is almost squished against his. Lucky my arm is there to protect me.

"So, besides admitting that Paranoia is more attracted to me than you," Party says. They both laugh. "Was there something that you needed that couldn't wait until the sun is up?"

Ghoul, like he's just remembered something incredibly important, rushes out the next few words. "Dr. D sent a transmission fifteen minutes ago. He's gotten wind of Korse appearing in Zone 6, near where we are. There's bound to be Dracs creeping around tonight. I think we should pack up and leave."

Well, I was right. This is incredibly important. It's not safe here for Missile Kid anymore. Not that it really was to begin with, though.

Party doesn't reply for a minute. "How much time do you think we have until they find us here?"

I tune out their conversation and listen to everything else that's going on. The night is completely silent outside Party and Ghoul's discussion. There is no wind. There are no noises coming from the desert animals around us. There are no stars in the sky, as it's too cloudy. There is nothing out of the ordinary going on other than Party holding me closer like he can save me from the monsters.

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