Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

Kendal POV

"Did we just see what we saw or am I going crazy?" I ask Kimmy.

"That was real alright, just check moms camera she practically recorded the whole thing." she points to mom who is fiddling with the camera now.

"You will all thank me when you're older and we can all enjoy this precious moment all over again. Besides I want to show your father when he gets home or he won't believe me." she huffs and then leaves probably to record some more of Jacob and Krystals 'precious moments'.

"Let's go to my room to talk" I say and drag Kimmy to my room.

I plop down on my bed and she sits on my desk chair.

"So what did you think of him?" I ask.

"I don't know?  One minute he is a jerk and hitting on us in the car and the next he is playing with our little sister like its the most natural thing to do. I can't really pin him down yet."

I snort

"Well if your going to pin him down you better do it soon because that boy is hot and I'm pretty sure we are going to have to take him to the party tomorrow so he is not going to last long before some other girl gets her claws into him." I say thinking of Maggie she will devour him as soon as he walks in the door of her house.

"Did you tell anyone he was coming to stay with us?" Kim asks

"Umm yeah, I told Maggie of course and I had to tell Robby or he would have been pissed that I didn't. Why didn't you tell your friends?" I say thinking about all the people Maggie probably told already with her big mouth or should I say thumbs since she most likely texted it to everyone.

"No, not really.  I mean all my friends are pretty much guys and you. They wouldn't really care and you already know so who would I tell?" she says looking away.

I sigh. My sister is gorgeous but extremely shy and kind of introverted. She only hangs out with her guy friends because they surf together in the mornings and play soccer at the park sometimes. They are not the type of guys to have deep meaningful conversations with.

Thankfully Kimmy outgrew her tomboy days but now she goes for the more natural 'I don't really care' style. Which is pretty much wearing jeans or shorts and a t-shirt to school. She never where's makeup or dresses up if she doesn't have to even though I told her she could borrow anything of mine.

"Well you know Maggie's party is going to have a lot of hot guys there and I heard her older brother is back from USC and he brought some friends home with him why don't you talk to one of them and see if one of them is your type then see where it leads." I say thinking maybe if Kimmy had a boyfriend she would have more reasons to dress up and maybe she will get some confidence and realize how beautiful she really is.

She snorts.

"There is no way I am hooking up with anyone at a party, let alone one at Maggie's house.  Do you know how many people have used those beds to 'talk' on. I'm not looking to catch an STD thank you very much."

Than again maybe not.

"Do you still not like Maggie? I don't get it, you guys have nothing in common and never talk how can you hate her so much when you guys don't even know each other."

"I know enough to know that I don't like her and if it wasn't for you I wouldn't even go to this party or even be invited."

"Well for my sake thank you for going, you know dad would never let me go by myself to a party. He is so lame. I mean I'm eighteen now, and it's just Maggie's house besides Robby will be there he won't let anything happen to me."

"I think its more what ROBBY WILL be doing to you that has dad so on edge."

"Whatever it's not like my virginity is an issue anymore."

"Well don't let dad hear you say that or he won't let you out of the house ever again."

Robby and I have been dating for one year and during prom last month I finally gave him my virginity. Yes it was just junior prom but we won prince and princess so I was on cloud nine and he was so sweet about it.

He kept making sure I was ready and he even got us a room at the hotel with roses and champagne. It was a pretty magical night. Kimmy even covered for me saying that I was sleeping over at Maggie's.

She was majorly pissed the next day when I told her about it too. She has never really gotten along with Robby either but at least she is civil to him unlike with Maggie. She always just ignores Maggie like she doesn't exist.

"Hey do you hear that? I think dad is here."

Beep! From a car lock.

I look out my window and see dad walking up to the door.

"Well let's go see what he says about Jacob. I don't think he thought it through when he decided to let a hormonal teenage boy live in a house with four teenage daughters. Hey where did the twins go I thought they would be the first ones to greet Jacob?" I say the last part to Kristine who I see walking in the hallway, they seemed very excited to meet him this morning.

"They went to the mall with there friends something about getting new swim suits for the pool party at Maggie's tomorrow."

"Oh hell no. Kloe and Kalie are not going. House rules state we have to be at least 16 to go to a co-ed party. They are only 15. Daaaddd!!!" I scream and run down the stairs with Kim behind me.


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