Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

Kendals POV

"Kendal!!" my dad yells from downstairs. The whole family is going crazy about Jacobs arrival my mom and dad especially. I knew they always wanted a boy.

Jacob is moving into the guest room down stairs from all our rooms because my dad didn't want to give him any ideas. Apparently Jacob is a player. Who would have guessed.

Anyway since we only had less than one weeks notice everyone kind of went bonkers. My mom wanted to redecorate the guest room for him and the twins offered to help but I think they just wanted an excuse to go shopping. The room used to be beige and frilly now its navy blue and has a modern feel to it. It looks like a guys room now all thanks to my mom who is an interior designer.

The twins are excited for his arrival because they want a boys opinion on there outfits every morning. They said they want to know if the outfit is Hot or Not from a male perspective. I've told them they are delusional if they think he will actually participate with them but they have high hopes.

I'm pretty sure Kristal is the most excited out of everyone in the family since she has always wanted a baby brother even though we told her he is not a baby she insists that he will be her little brother. I think my mom is just going to get her a baby doll and hope that will solve the problem.

I get off my bed were I was texting Maggy about the details of the party she is throwing tomorrow. And make my way to see what my dad wanted. But I am stopped when Kloe sticks her head out the door of her and Kalies room.

"Kendal is Jacob hot?"

"How would I know."

"Well you met him and were old enough to remember what he looks like, Kalie and I were only four at the time so we can't remember."

"Kloe that was over ten years ago I'm pretty sure he has changed by now."

"Well was he a cute seven year old at least. If he was cute back then than that means he has to be cute now right."

"I don't know Kloe why don't you go through some of moms old scrapbooks I'm sure there are a bunch of pictures in there of our old vacations he has to be in some of them."

"Oh good idea. Mom where are our old scrapbooks!!" she screams and I walk away.

"Yeah dad." I say walking down the stairs.

"I have a meeting with the football coach at your high school to get Jacob a tryout so he can play this year. So that means I can't pick Jacob up at the airport can you and Kimmy pick him up for me please."

"Ugghhh dad do I have to? Robby is picking me up for our date at seven I need time to get ready. Why don't I just text him to ask the coach for you then you can pick up Jacob yourself. " I say hoping he will buy that, since its only noon and I don't need seven hours to get ready for a date. God I love that my boyfriend is quarterback, makes my life so much easier.

"You want to go to that party tomorrow don't you?" my dad says and I know where this is going.

"Dad that is so unfair you said if I stayed with Kristal and Kristine yesterday while you and mom had your date that I could go to that party you can't take it back now." I say frustrated because I know I already lost. It's really hard to win an argument with my dad since he is a lawyer.

" If I recall correctly Kendal Knight, Kimmy was home too and she distracted the girls while you and Robert made out on the couch." he says raising an eyebrow at me and my head drops because I am blushing like crazy. How could he know? I know Kim wouldn't tell and I'm pretty sure Kristine wouldn't either but Kristal is a daddies girl and he has been known for bribing her with ice cream. Damn!

"Kim get your butt down here we are going to the airport!" I scream.


Jacobs POV

I get off the plane glad it was only a 3 hour flight and follow the signs to baggage claim. I don't know if I'm supposed to get a cab or get picked up so after I get my things I just head for the exit.

I text my dad and he says Uncle Kyle is supposed to pick me up at the exit.

As I exit I spot two hot brunettes talking and leaning over the hood of a jeep, when I get closer I see they are writing something on a piece of paper I'm hoping that its there numbers. When they finally hold up the paper I'm pleasantly surprised that its my name they were writing now how should I approach them because if my guess is correct these ladies must be some of the Knight sisters but which ones? The last time I saw them they were one sister short and my mom was awake. Okay here goes nothing maybe San Diego will be a lot more fun than I thought.

"Ladies, long time no see. Now who wants to give me a hug first." I say and open my arms, unsurprisingly neither of them jump into my arms. I don't remember a lot of our time together but I know all there names start with K it was some weird thing the family did. Its been over ten years since I last saw these girls and I don't have a lot of memories of them because it reminds me too much of the happy times with my mom and I always try to block those out.

"Please tell me you are not Jacob Bruno." says the shorter brunette.

"Who else babe?" I reply with my signature smirk that has all the ladies panties drop.

"Well I'm grossed out so Ken can we please go now." said the taller brunette. On closer inspection of her if I took off two feet from her hight she would look just like the little girl I used to play with all the time whenever we went on vacation with Uncle Kyle. She and I would always try to prank her older sisters. I'm pretty sure she is Kimmy.

Kimmy and I were pretty close back then, maybe even closer than me and Josh at that age. She used to be my best friend until my mom got sick and we stopped going on vacation with them.

The last time I saw them was our last summer vacation together when I was seven. That was a big year for me I was starting second grade and I got my first and second kiss that summer. That was also the year of my mothers accident.

I put my bag in the back then hop into the backseat since the girls were already in the front.

"So you know my name but sadly I still don't know yours let's start with legs over here. Whats your name beautiful?" I say to Kimmy in the front seat.

"Look we are picking you up because we were asked to but we can always say you never showed up at the airport and leave you on the side of the rode." The cute shorter one says while driving.

"Calm down will you, I'm just trying to figure out your names not get in your pants. Unless you want me to call you Babe and Legs all day. In that case Babe how long till we get to the house?"

I'm pretty sure I know there names now since they seem to be my age and the only sisters that were my age were Kendal and Kimberly. So the girl driving is Kendal since the other girl called her Ken and Legs is Kimberly. Even though I figured it out already it's still fun to mess with them especially since they are both turning red the more I talk. It looks cute on them maybe I should get them mad more often.


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