Chapter 16

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Dean woke up in the same room still tied to the chair and his head radiating pain. He adjusted his eyes to the light that was only bright because of the searing migraine and did his best to look around. Cas and Nova were still in front of him, tied the their chairs and heads down in sleep. Cas' chest was poorly wrapped in gauze that blood was already seeping through and slowly dripping down his stomach; slightly bloated as they were expecting their second child.

The hunter swallowed hard and closed his eyes, hopeful that his family was okay and wondered how he could've let this happened.

"Well, look who's finally up? Did I hit you too hard?" A voice came from behind Dean and smacked him in the head. The hunter cringed in pain and hissed. An open wound was the only explanation for the pain.

"What do you want with us? We've done nothing wrong, we weren't bothering anybody, and we weren't hurting anyone. We're just a quiet family of hunters." Dean said, the words tasting funny in his mouth. A hunters life was never quiet, but they were always a family.

"We gave you your time to give the abomination up, ten years in fact! You had your time and now you against heaven once again with yet another disgrace to God. We had no choice but to take you and teach you between what is right in the eyes of God and what is wrong." The angel said, their blade swinging by their side still firmly gripped in their hand. Dean knew the angel could strike back at anytime; he had to play defense and stay cautious towards any move they could make.

"Right and wrong in the eyes of God? What's wrong with love? Isn't that what God wanted for all of us is to love each other equally? I knew God and he was a pretty nice guy and that's what he wanted is for all of us to love. You angels are jackasses, thinking that you're closer to the big man upstairs then the rest of us. You assholes are no better than humans." Dean spit on them, earning another smack to the head and a yell of pain coming from the hunter.

"You humans have no respect for us anymore! You send us your prayers and we give you what we can but it is never enough for you! We try and give and give and try, but we can never keep up with the ridiculous requests and prayers! You humans are corrupted. You don't know the meaning of love." The angel finished.

Dean stayed quiet, looking around the room until his eyes met Cas and Nova sitting across from him. The hunter smiled.

"I do know the meaning of love. They're sitting right in front of me." He answered. "I do know the true meaning of love and that is to have something that you never thought you could have as your own. Believe me, I never thought I would have a family, but here I am.

Dean stared at the sleeping and beat up people that were sitting in front of him; his family. He smiled warmly before turning back to the attention of the angel who sat stunned at the words of their prisoner.

"You can beat me, keep me as a prisoner, even kill me. But, please, you lay a single finger on my angel or my children, born or unborn, I will personally make sure to make your never-ending life a living hell." Dean lowered his voice to that grizzly whisper as the angel stepped back at his threat.

"What makes you think I don't already know what that feels like?"

"Because I've lived it! And trust me bud, I wouldn't wish that on my worst enemy, even you." Dean snapped as the angel stepped back in fear again.

"If you value your life, I suggest you untie us all, heal Cas' wounds, and let us all go; never bothering us again." Dean warns, suggesting the idea that they could just walk away.

"I can't do that per say, I have direct orders to kill you." The angel turned to Cas and Nova with a smirk on their faces. "All of you. Born or unborn."

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