Chapter 14

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"Gabe? But y-you're s-supposed to be dead!" Sam exclaimed. The trickster smirked, rolling his tongue around in his mouth in thought before looking to the older hunter with a nod of approval. "Dean-o. You're lookin' nice these days. How you been with my niece?" Gabe started to stroll toward the hunter, Dean clutching his daughter close with his mouth pursed closed.

"I ain't gonna touch her, I just wanted to see her...angelic features." Gabe smirked.

"Don't you dare come near my daughter! And don't talk about Cas like that." Dean lowered his voice to a dangerous husky whisper. The trickster smirked. "You really do miss my brother don't you? I guess I can see where you're coming from, he was certainly...unique. Dad just had to have his special little soldier." Gabe's smirked disappeared rather quickly, looking away and losing himself in a trance of disappointment that only came from the disapproval of God.

That on/off relationship he had with him never seeming to recover from the last few millennia of wars and great battles. It really wasn't the archangels fault, he was just trying to have some fun when everybody else was so serious about war and death and blood. He was never favored as a favorite of God's, being cast aside when he had much more pressing issues to tend to. One of the many reasons why he was the rebel of the family. Besides Lucifer.

"But that's not why I'm here. I came back to stay on Earth. For good." Gabe returned to the conversation, Dean not buying a single word the angel was dishing out. "Why?" The older hunter asked.

"Somebody has to protect you guys. With Cas gone and my niece being the prized hunt of the 21st century, you need somebody to keep those do-gooder angels off your back. I'm here to fulfill that such job." Gabe spread his wings, revealing four giant golden wings from his back and eyes glowing a bright blue. "Archangel Gabriel, at your service." He bowed rather sarcastically, with his wings bowing with him and curling inward to the archangel like a protective barrier between Gabe and the rest of the world, like he was being introduced to the Queen of England. Dean shielded his daughter's eyes from the intense light while it settled down and there stood Gabriel once again but this time his wings were tucked away and he was just the trickster that the Winchester's loved to hate.

Except for one Winchester.

"So, you're real?" Sam asked, stepping forward and about to touch the angel's shoulder before Gabe turned around and gave a loving smiled. "Of course I'm real Samsquatch. I'm back. For good this time. I promise you." The smaller man stood on his tiptoes, catching the younger Winchester in a searing kiss while Sam wrapped his arms around the archangel and pulled him in ever further to his chest. How he missed his trickster.

"If you two lovebirds are done, we have a much more pressing issue to tend to. Issues such as, why are you here?! And more importantly, how are you alive?!" Dean asked rather angrily, wondering why his brother was making out with a so-called dead angel.

"It's not that hard to fake your death Dean. Just a little spritz of magic here and there, the possibilities are endless." Gabe smirked, looking back to the younger hunter before cupping his face and kissing him more slowly and passionately while Sam smiled into the kiss.

Dean rolled his eyes before taking his daughter to her nursery and laying her down for a nap, realizing maybe he did over-react a bit to Gabe's sudden reappearance from the dead. Dean guessed it just shocked him to see another angel other than his Cas actually alive and didn't want to kill them for their daughter.

"You don't know how much I missed you Gabe. I never gave up hope that you were gone. I never gave up." Sam said, stroking his angel's face and hair. The trickster chuckled, taking the hunter's hand into his and kissing his knuckles. "I know you never gave up hope, I heard your prayers, day and night. I knew you never gave up." Gabe kissed the hunter again, this time more passionately and needy. Like, the faster they found a bed the better.

Gabe led Sam to the bedrooms down the hallway and found a spare, closing the door behind him and quickly stripping each other of their clothing. Feverently kissing and feeling each other up, they both fell to the bed while Gabe fought for dominance to be on top. Ultimately losing the fight, he was quickly flipped back to the bottom while Sam restrained his hands by pinning them to the bed. Gabe smirked. "Are you sure you have all of your soul back? This is never a side of you I've seen." He said seductively, licking his lips and keeping his voice to a husky whisper.

Sam smiled. "At this point, does it really matter?" He asked, kissing his angel once again and keeping his hands pinned to the bed.

"I like this side of you. It makes you more...dangerous." Gabe responded, pulling away and heaving for breath.

"Is this all we're going to do is talk? Or do we wanna screw?" Sam asked, really wondering if he really did get all of his soul back or if he was just really horny. Thinking it was most likely the latter option, Gabe smirked as Sam went down on him and removed both of their underwear before slipping under the blankets and showing the affection they had for each other. Pent up affection and aggression was like adding fuel to the flame of their love.

Dean was back in the nursery, watching over his daughter as she slept and he scrolled through his phone. Looking through news reports for cases or sightings of a black haired man with a strong jawline and a tan trenchcoat asking where his family was.

Trying to ignore the god-awful noises of his brother and his boyfriend screwing in the room just down the hall, he concentrated on his phone before getting bored and turning it off and huffing in frustration. Boredom seemed to be a constant thing with Dean now, seeing it was just him, Nova, Sammy, and now Gabe and no cases available he's done nothing but sit around and care for his newborn. He had nothing against caring for his own daughter, obviously, but he wanted something to keep his mind busy aside from the thoughts of Cas and how much he missed him.

Slumping his shoulders at the sound of his daughter crying for her dad, he gave a deep sigh before getting up from the rocking chair and collecting his daughter from her crib. Cradling Nova in his arms, he smiled at her sweet face. Nephilim grow rather quickly but not too much in infancy so Dean savored every minute he had with her.

"You are the greatest thing that has ever happened to me, my little universe. How bout a song, hm? I know what you like." Dean smirked, clearing his throat and breathing in a deep breath.

"Hey Jude,

Don't make it bad.

Take a sad song,

And make it better."

"Remember to let her into your heart.

Then you can start,

To make it better." Another voice came in and finished the rest of the song as Dean rolled his eyes. "That's not funny Gabe. Doing an impression of my dead angel really hurts my feelings."

"I'm sorry you feel that way, but I don't think this is very funny." The voice came again, sounding like he was still doing the impression. Aggravated, Dean huffed and turned around.

His knees felt like jell-o, a static feeling rising from his toes and up to the top of his spine. His eyes watered up, rendering his vision useless. But he could still see who it was.

"Hello Dean." 

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