Accidental Strike

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Days passed and the predicted attack had yet to take part. These days were packed with pilot training, working the weapons, and of course Tom and Tord being together. Unless Blue Diamond summons him, Tom and Tord were near inseparable.

Currently, the two were in the Pearl's quarters, chatting and just hanging around. Tord was spread out on a small couch while Tom looked at the bubble that held his rose.

"So, this future predicting gem, still doesn't have a time yet for this attack?" asked Tord. "Nope, Sapphire's predicts are good, but they can't always predict a time." said Tom. "Hm, that's bullshit, why ask if she doesn't know when?" asked Tord.

"Gives us time to prepare I guess, I have no idea." said Tom. The Topaz yawned, he was bored. He then smirked to sit up, looking to his partner.

"Say Tom, let's go to the training arena, I need to let off some steam." said Tord. "Not too much, that steam is the only thing keeping your head up." said Tom. "Oh ha, ha." mocked Tord. The Pearl snorts but gets up and follows the other to the arena.

The room is empty, which is exactly what Tord wanted. He summons his guns to face the Pearl. "Come on, let's spar." said Tord. "Can't, I'm a Pearl, remember?" asked Tom. "Ya, but it's just us, plus I KNOW for a fact that you can fight." said Tord.

Tom raised an eyebrow but sighed and summoned his harpoon. "Oh cool, but can it do anything against my guns?" asked Tord. "If you shut up long enough maybe we'll find out." said Tom, sticking his tongue out.

The Topaz grins madly and starts firing his guns. Tom watches then uses his harpoon to hit the blasts away. "Damn, nice." said Tord. "Ya, you've seen nothing yet." said Tom.

He held up his hand, summoning a small cannon around it and starts firing harpoons. Tord's eyes widen and he clumsily tries to avoid the many projectiles. He tumbles to the ground to stare at his partner. "Damn, that was awesome." beamed Tord.

Tom shrugs and makes his small cannon disappear. "That it or are you thirsty for more?" asked Tom. The Topaz jumped to his feet, grinning madly. "Always." said Tord.

With that, the fight resumes, Tord firing and dodging with Tom blocking the attacks with his harpoon. Tord manages to get close and goes for a spin kick. Seeing this, Tom's eyes leak the purple smoke and he grabs Tord's leg, throwing the gem over his shoulder and into a wall.

The soldier slides to the ground to shake his head, looking at the other. His eyes were widen in aw, stars in the center. "That was so cool, Tom, you really should be a soldier." said Tord. The Pearl blushes a bit to look away.

"Nah, it'd never pass, I was made a Pearl, that's that." said Tom. Tord comes back over, grinning big. "And yet your the first gem to best my spin kick, no gem has EVER done that before!" said Tord. Tom smiles a little as the topaz soldier makes his weapons disappear.

"So, what was that smoke coming from your eyes, I've never seen anything like it before." said Tord. "Huh, oh that, something that gives me a power boost or something, I think something happened at my creation and this was the result." said Tom. Tord nodded when he heard loud gasping.

"That...was...AWESOME!" cried someone. The two gems whipped around to see in the arena entrance was Edd and Matt. "I mean, oh my stars, Tom, you rock!" cheered Edd. "Ya, you two have to be the best fighters I've ever saw." said Matt.

"Thanks, so, how long were you watching for?" asked Tom. "When you asked if Tord was thirsty for more." smiled Edd. The Pearl sighed as Tord looked at them sternly.

"No one else saw, right, Tom could get shattered for knowing how to fight." said Tord. "Course not, we made sure." said Matt. The Topaz soldier nodded as the blue gem looked at them.

"So, what did you need?" asked Tom. "Oh, just the arena, Matt was going to help me get my weapon, I wonder what it is." said Edd. "Well, practice enough and you'll find it." said Tom.

The Shard nodded happily when a loud alarm sounded. "What's the alarm for, what's going on?" asked Matt. Tom was silent to snap his fingers.

"The attack that Sapphire predicted, it's happening." said Tom. "Shit, then we need to get to the hanger." said Tord. "I'll follow, I have to make sure you absolutly know the controls." said Tom. The Topaz smirks to wink.

"Sure you just don't want to stowaway?" asked Tord. "Believe me, wish I could but Blue Diamond would figure me out quickly." said Tom.

The four quickly leave the arena to rush down the corridor. "So what's being attacked again?" asked Matt. "The Communication Hub, if they take that then communication with Pink Diamond will be extremely difficult." said Tom. "Ya, which means we'll have to be stationed closer to Earth." said Matt.

The four reach the hanger and go inside to see other gem soldiers going into their ships. Tord leads the others inside where he gets seated in the captains chair.

"Alright, you know the ignition button?" asked Tom. "Ya, the diamond shaped green button." said Tord. "Blasters and missiles?"asked Tom. "Blasters are the pink circle button while the missiles are the white diamond shaped button." sighed Tord. The Pearl asked a few more questions which the Topaz answered boredly.

"Alright, everything is good." said Tom. "Yep, so what next." grinned Tord. "For starters, you can turn the ship on, after that, I'm going back to give my report to Blue Diamond." said Tom.

The devil horned gem smiled to look ahead. This was his first battle and his first time leading his own ship. Excitement coursed through him as he checked the engines before going for the button. Tord hit the diamond shaped button just as Tom cried out.

"Tord, that's the missile button!" yelped Tom. The Topaz soldier flinched as he hit the button, launching one of his missiles. The missile flew through the air before hitting the roof of the hanger.

Rubble fell, crushing a few of the ships and barricading the hanger door,making it impossible to fly out. Edd and Matt stared in shock as Tom simply dropped his holopad. "Um, I don't think that was supposed to happen." said Matt.

Edd slapped the Amethyst gem as they looked to their leader. "Tord, you alright?" asked Edd. The Topaz was hitting himself as he glared at that. "I just blew up the hanger AND crushed our own ships, so of course I'm not alright!" yelled Tord angrily.

The two gems flinched back as Tom patted the angry gems back. "Calm down Tord, it was just an accident." said Tom. "Ya, an accident that will cost us the Communication Hub and force us to be closer to Earth." spat Tord. He banged his head down on the panel as he grumbled miserably to himself.

"Blue Diamond is going to shatter me for this." said Tord. The other three gems wanted to cheer him up but they knew they'd only be lying. Tord was right, this was an unfixable mistake and thus his punishment will be unfixable or severe.

He was probably going to be shattered.

NOTE: Well, Tord's in trouble. What's going to happen, holy crap! Also, I'm having a hard time thinking up what Edd's weapon should be so I want to do a voting thing to see what you guys might like. Edd could have a sword, like in Mirror Mirror, or would you like something similar to his lucky can? That's the vote, should Edd's weapon be a sword or something like his lucky can? Anywho, till the next update, bye~

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