Futuristic Prediction

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A week has passed since Tord gave tom the blue rose and now the Topaz soldier was back to stalking. Considering what he said last time they were face to face, wouldn't you do the same?

Tord grumbled at the thought but continued to watch the Pearl. Tom was looking at his holopad, typing a few things in as he made his rounds. These rounds were just him mindlessly walking around but still, Tom looked busy.

'Come on, you are the toughest soldier in this entire sector, just fucking walk over to him and say something that won't make him think you're a complete weirdo.' thought Tord. He sighed deeply to peek at the Pearl again.

He was just standing there, hand on his hip as he looked at his holopad with a bored expression on his face. 'Dammit, how the hell can he be this fucking cute?!' thought Tord.

He gripped the wall tightly when it made a loud noise, followed by a large crack appearing. This caught the Pearl's attention and he looked over but Tord was already gone. He'd freaked out over being caught and so like a coward, fled down the corridor.

Tord soon came to a stop to kick the ground, pissed off. "What the hell, all I had to do was talk to him, instead I break the wall and run away, damn you Tom, why are you so, so...GAH!" yelled Tord.

He punched the wall, shattering it and walking away. 'Well, there's always next time, right?' thought Tord.


Tom stared down the hall to where he heard a loud crack but all he saw was the damaged wall. 'What the hell just happened?' thought Tom. He shook his head to head down the corridor, back to Blue Diamond's throne room.

'It was probably Tord, but why would he break the wall?' thought Tom. At the thought of the Topaz soldier, Tom's cheeks turned a darker blue as he looked down. Ever since he received the blue rose, the red gem has been on his mind none stop.

Especially with what he said.

'Damn him, I have work and he's distracting me, even when he's not around.' thought Tom. The Pearl shakes his head, making his dark cheeks fade away. He's near the throne room when he sees the door open and four small gems walked out.

One was blue with long white hair going over her eyes and she wore a blue gown and with her were three rubies. 'Is that Sapphire?' thought Tom. She walked by to pause before him.

"Hello Tom, it's been quite awhile." said Sapphire. "It has, how are things?" asked Tom. "Pretty good, I was just talking to our Diamond as she requested my services, now I must return home, it was good seeing you, we should catch up sometime." said Sapphire. "We should when I have free time." said Tom.

With a nod, the aristocrat gem moved on with her three rubies. The first two just ignored him but the third stopped for a moment, this one's gem was on their right palm. "Um, see you around." said Ruby.

Tom nodded and watched her leave. With a smile, Tom goes for the throne room. He's known Sapphire and her Ruby guards for many years, she was the only gem known to see into the future. She could predict anything, however, she could never see Tom's future.

He was unreadable and unpredictable, which has caught the smaller gem's interest as for once she was unsure of something. It made them good friends as he didn't suck up to her, use her status for his own gain, or even go overboard with her powers. They were just good friends.

As for the Rubies, the first two were annoying little shits, but the last one was kinder. She was also a bit shy but more so around Sapphire. It was easy to see Ruby has a big crush on her.

It was adorable.

Tom enters the throne room to see Blue Diamond looking troubled. "Is everything okay, my Diamond?" asked Tom. "No, Sapphire has shared a vision with me, the Crystal Gems are going to soon be attacking the communication hub and will succeed in taking it, Pink Diamond will require our help." said Blue Diamond.

The Pearl nodded and walked closer, so the Crystal Gems were going for the communication hub? 'Interesting tactic.' thought Tom. "So, what is required, my Diamond?" asked Tom. "Some of our extraction teams will be going to Earth to fight, I've already sent word to them, however, Tord and his team has yet to reply, I will need you to find them." said Blue Diamond.

"Alright, I'm on it." said Tom. He went to leave when the large gem stopped him. "This will be Tord's first time flying one of our fighter ships, so if he needs it, give him a quick lesson on operating it." said Blue Diamond. Tom nodded and quickly left to head down the hallway.

'Wonder what the rebels want with the hub, eh, who knows, I just know I need to find Tord.' thought Tom. He went down another corridor to pause as he sees the gem.

Tord is sitting in one of the large dome rooms, he sees to be sulking or something, either way, he looks down. "Tord." called Tom. The Topaz soldier looked over to suddenly jump up, looking nervous.

"I wasn't upset, nope, just uh, enjoying the view?" stumbled Tord. Tom chuckled a bit as he walked closer. "You're such a weirdo, anyway, got a moment?" asked Tom. "For you, yes, always." beamed Tord.

Tom smirked as the soldier smacked himself in the face. "Please ignore that." he begged. "Not on your life, you flirt." laughed Tom.

The two sat down as Tom pulled up his holopad. "One of Blue Diamond's gems foresaw the rebels attacking the communication hub soon, she is requesting some of her extraction teams to go to battle, you, Edd, and Matt were part of this order." explained Tom. "Seriously, we're going to battle, hell yes!" cheered Tord.

Tom shook his head to bring up a picture of a ship. "This will be your ship to pilot, since you've never operated one before, Blue Diamond has ordered me to give you a crash course." said Tom. "So wait, until the attack is about to happen, you will be with me, teaching me to fly and shoot with a ship, alone?" asked Tord.

"Well not really alone, Edd and Matt will be there." said Tom. "But technically, we'll be alone?" asked Tord. Tom sighed to shake his head a bit. "Yes." said Tom. Tord is silent to jump up suddenly, both arms pumped in the air.

"Hell yes, thank you my Diamond!" cheered Tord. The Pearl is stunned before laughing hard. "You are such a dork, Tord, seriously." laughed Tom. The Topaz soldier blushed a bit to nervously rub the back of his head. "All to see you smile." said Tord.

Tom's laughing stopped as he blushed, looking to the gem. "Uh, g-go get Edd and Matt, I'll see you in Hanger 5." said Tom, looking away. "Sure, uh, see you soon." said Tord. The Topaz soldier quickly ran off as the Pearl just sat there, blushing a deep blue. 'Damn him for being a cute dark.' thought Tom.

He shook the thought off and got up to head to the hanger. No time for these thoughts, he's got to teach Tord how to operate a ship now.

NOTE: They are such dorks, aren't they? Yes, Ruby and Sapphire have made an appearance, mainly due to this being in the past with the war happening, so Garnet does not exist yet. What is to happen next, what will these dorks do next is the better question. Till the next update, Bye~

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