Pink Sector Date

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The lesson continued on without much happening, besides Edd and Matt gossiping about their friends. "Okay, we'll pick up again tomorrow, that good with you?" asked Tom. "Sure, got nothing going on tomorrow." said Tord.

He got out of the captain's chair and looked to where the Shard and Amethyst were sitting, giggling. "Okay, we're done for today, get lost now." said Tord. "Understood, captain." giggled Matt. "Oh captain, my captain." laughed Edd.

With that, the two ran off with Tom looking after them. "Are you always so rude?" asked Tom in amusement. "Only so we can get to our date sooner." smiled Tord.

The Pearl shook his head to cross his arms. "So, where are we going?" asked Tom. "Hm, wanna check out the Zoo?" asked Tord. "Is it still here, I thought Pink Diamond took it with her to the Earth." said Tom.

"She sends it back here every so often so that we can see it." said Tord. "Cool, I've never seen those humans before." said Tom. The two left the ship to head to the warp pad area.

Some warp pads can warp a gem to other areas of a sector, or teleport them to another sector.

Getting on the pad, the two warped to the Pink sector. The new sector was like thier own, only pink instead of blue. Tom and Tord got off the pad and head to the Zoo, passing a few of the gems belonging to Pink Diamond.

A few have stayed behind to keep the sector in working order and they don't pay much attention to Tom or Tord.

Due to the closeness that Blue Diamond and Pink Diamond share, it was often a few Blue Sector gems were seen here as a few Pink Sector gems were in their sector.

Tord peeks out the window a bit to smirk. "Ya, the Zoo is here, let's go see some Humans." said Tord. The Pearl nodded and followed the Topaz Soldier into the Zoo.

The Zoo was a large doom building with a light blue sky and a ton of plant life and trees. "So, is this what the earth looks like?" asked Tom. "A bit, it was less green and less trees." said Tord.

They walked down the path, taking in the sights of the habitat to pause. Before them they saw something that looked a bit like them, only an off tan color and brown color. "Those must be the humans." said Tord. "Ya...what are they doing to each others hair, they're running fingers through it." said Tom. "Um, I think they're grooming, I don't understand these creatures." sighed Tord.

They kept watching to see one of the humans pull out a bug to crunch on it. "Oh gross." gagged Tom. "So they eat other smaller creatures, weird." said Tord.

They walked away to explore more. "This is nice, but I'd still like to see the actual Earth." said Tom. "Well, it is a pretty interesting place, maybe one day I can show it to you." said Tord. "I'd like that." smiled Tom.

Tord blushes and looks away shyly, Tom was beautiful when he smiled. 'Thank my star that I asked him on a date.' thought Tord.

The two continued on to eventually leave the Zoo and sit on a bench. "Those humans were boring, but I did enjoy the plants." said Tom. "Ya, humans are dumb, but I'm glad you're enjoying the date." said Tord. "Eh, I've had worse." teased Tom.

Tord glared a little to laugh and lean back. "Sure, sure, so, where to next?" asked Tord. "Here's fine, not a lot to do here." sighed Tom. "Ya, I know, work, fight, walk, recharge, that's it." said Tord.

The two sat in a comfortable silence as the Topaz looked at him. "Tom, do you ever want to leave Homeworld, I mean, like go visit some place else, explore a bit." said Tord. "All the time, but I'm just a Pearl, so I don't get the chance." said Tom.

"Hm, well if I could, I'd take you away and show you the galaxy." said Tord. "Ha, you've only ever been to earth." laughed Tom. "More than you've been, so there for I CAN show you the galaxy." snickered Tord. The two laughed a bit to fall silent.

"Do you mean it, would you really do that?" asked Tom. "I do, Tom, there isn't any thing I wouldn't do for you, I really like you." blushed Tord. Tom smiles sweetly to laugh, punching his arm.

"You are such a dork...but I guess you're my dork." sighed Tom. This made Tord happy as he hugged the other gem. "I'm all yours, just as your all mine." said Tord. Tom shook his head to look at him.

"You know, same to you, I would do things for you too." said Tom. "Oh, then in that case, how about a kiss?" asked Tord. The Pearl sighed but leaned over, pressing his lips to the Topaz.

Tord's eyes widened as he felt electricity, wow this was amazing!

He closed his eyes to return the kiss, holding Tom closer to him. They kissed for a few minutes but they felt like years, many wonderful years. The two finally full back to stare at the other with a look of pure love.

"Wow, that was, wow." said Tom. "I know, amazing." chuckled Tord. The two smiled at each other to kiss again.

It stayed like this for awhile before they heard loud footsteps. They pulled apart to look to see a Jade builder. They walked on and the two blinked at each other.

"Time to head back?" asked Tom. "Ya, we need to find a more private area to continue this." smiled Tord. Tom blushes but follows after his new partner to the warp pad.

After a quick warp, they follow the corridors to the Topaz's room and the two go in. And there they remain for the rest of the Gem work day.

With many more days to come of this.

NOTE: A short chapter, but then there really wasn't much for the date, as Tom and Tord explained, not much to do on Homeworld. What will happen next? Till the next update, bye~

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