Chapter 3

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His name was Daniel, but he preferred Dan. Phil had somehow managed to figure that out either by intentionally or unintentionally listening in to some of the populars' conversations.

Phil thought the name suited him.

He'd also found out that Dan had the most light and tinkling laugh he'd ever heard in his entire eighteen years of being. It rang like bells across the cafeteria during the Christmas season, sprinkling joy amongst the students.

It reminded Phil of home, if that made any sort of sense at all.


Over the next few days, Phil had discovered Dan had an interest in music.

It wasn't like he was spying on him, Dan had just been coming to the library lately. It wasn't hard for Phil to peek at what books he was signing out, and judging from them, Dan was big on music. Sometimes, he'd even sit down near Phil at another table, reading whatever book he'd signed out while Phil read his own.

He definitely didn't use the time to catch sneaky glances at him and the way his eyebrows furrowed lightly in concentration.

(Alright, maybe Phil was spying on him a little)

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