Chapter 4 - "Owens, do you ever shut up?"

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"Besides, pop culture is stupid. As for hobbies, I'm guessing Donovan's has something to do with running and lifting weights based on his physique. As well as boxing, based on the state of his knuckles."

The corner of Donovan's mouth twitched and Carter smirked. She looked to Link.

"You play video games. I know this because of the calluses on your thumbs. So who are your parents?"

She glanced at Donovan.

"What do they really do? Since I know your father is not a senator," she said.

Donovan gave her a leveled look.

"I never said he was."

"No, but you didn't correct me when I was implying that he was."

Donovan's face remained unconcerned.

"How do you know?" Link asked.

Carter looked at him.

"Because Senator Keller doesn't have a son. He does have an illegitimate daughter that is secretary to his chief of staff."

Carter raised her eyebrows as Link's expression turned astonished and Donovan's forehead flinched.

"You didn't know?" she asked. "Seriously, she has the same nose, forehead and face shape. Different color hair doesn't change the fact that she looks exactly like him."

Link shifted, adjusting his glasses.

"How do you know this stuff?" he asked.

She shrugged.

"I have this thing called a brain and a set of eyes. It seems everyone else has yet to turn their own on."

Link laughed and opened Carter's bag of chips.

"What do your parents do?" she asked, taking a fry off Link's plate.

"It's me and my mom. She's a pretty big lawyer. I only see my dad sometimes." Link fidgeted. "He's not really a big part of my life."

Carter nodded, her gaze traveling over the room.

"I understand that," she said, her tone distracted.

"You and your mom then?" Link asked.

Carter frowned, but schooled her features as she looked at Link.

"No. Just my dad and me. My mother is no longer in the picture," she said.

"That sucks," Link said.

She glanced away, absently cracking her knuckles.


Link looked to Donovan. Carter turned back to them.

"Donovan what do your parents-"

Before Carter could finish, someone approached their table. They all looked up to see Mason scowling at them, his bodyguard standing just behind him.

"What are you doing here?" Mason asked Link.

Carter leaned on the table, putting on a patronizing smile.

"I was bound to make friends at some point," she said. "They're new. You can't blame them for their ignorance of my social standing."

Mason looked at her, his scowl turning into an annoyed frown.

"Owens, do you ever shut up?" he asked.

She shrugged.

"I don't know, I haven't tried yet. I don't find it as easy as you do to turn off my brain. I am open to tips. I can imagine you have a lot."

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