About the Author and Artist

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The Author: Tomorrowisareality13

Before we dive into the book itself, just a little bit of background about me. I'm an adolescent in the United States. A few months ago, I was diagnosed with clinical depression and anxiety. Hearing the diagnosis was difficult, but unsurprising. The year prior to the diagnosis, I began having panic attacks and mood swings. School began to stress me out so much I would become nauseous every morning. I would cry before bed and upon waking. I didn't know what was wrong with me. I was a top honors student, I played in the school band, and I was on varsity track and cross country. I had the perfect life. But depression and anxiety can be both situational and chemical. I had to understand that. I'm now taking a serious step back to attend to my health. I've taken school medical leave to attend a partial hospitalization program. I use coping mechanisms I will describe in this book every day. I eat healthfully, I work out, and I get enough sleep. All of these things have helped me, and I hope they help you. There is a way to cope with these conditions. 

The Artist: 

I want to thank my artist  wanderlustingfool for making this amazing cover. Check her account out! 

Finding the Calm in the Storm: A Coping Book for Depression and AnxietyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora